Chapter 8. Condition Terminal

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"Kasey, where the hell are you?" Stiles' voice carried through the speaker of my phone, that was currently sitting in the passenger seat of my car. I had him on speaker as I made my way to the hospital. 

I sighed as I flipped on my turn signal, "I'm going to see Lydia. My mom texted me an hour ago saying she was awake and I need to talk to her."

"Well, I'll meet you there. I'm at your house right now." he said quickly. 

"No, Stiles. I just want to talk to Lydia. I promise I'll meet up with you at school." I said with finality. 

He sighed in defeat, "Fine. Text me when you're done." 

The call ended and I could tell he was slightly aggravated. I don't care though, because I need to speak to Lydia. I never would have thought that we would become as close as we are, but it happened and she's one of my best friends. I have to see her, to at least know that she made it through the surgery okay. My mom said Parrish has been with her all morning, I'm not exactly sure why but I'm assuming it's because he has feelings for her. Whether or not she has feelings for him, I'm not sure. 

I parked my car in front of the hospital and snatched my phone up off the seat. I was slightly anxious to tell Lydia about what happened with Tracy, but I had to tell her. She more than likely already knows what happened, considering she can sense death and all. I hit the lock button on the remote for my car and made my way into the hospital. It was relatively quiet, which is how I assume most mornings are here. Unless something supernatural happens, which can be at any time of the day. 

My mom had told me her room number, so I didn't have to bother with Grace at the front desk today. Thank God. Grace was always so bitchy to me whenever I requested to see somebody, well I'm not sure if it's bitchy or just her natural attitude. Either way it's annoying and I hate dealing with it. I would much rather just come in and make my way to Lydia's room and be done with it. 

As I approached her door, I noticed Parrish exit. He glanced at me and I quirked an eyebrow, "Leaving so soon?" 

He laughed nervously, "Your mom told me that you would want some alone time with her." 

"How kind," I chuckled as I walked past him, "how is she?" 

Parrish shrugged, "I'm not exactly a doctor, but she is awake and talking so I'm assuming that's good." 

"Awesome," I said, praying that she wasn't 'good' enough to lecture me about killing Tracy. I'm not exactly sure how she would see the situation. It's gonna go one of two ways, either she is gonna be like Scott or she's gonna be like Stiles. Obviously, I'm hoping for the latter. 

I pushed her door open and entered her room, she was propped upright against her pillows and she smiled when she saw me, "I've been waiting for you all morning. What took you so long?" 

"I was asleep, my mom just got a hold of me an hour ago. How are you feeling?" I asked her, taking the seat beside her bed. 

She shrugged, "I've been better. What happened with Tracy? Did you save her?" 

My stomach dropped, she didn't know. Why has nobody told her yet? I cleared my throat, "She didn't make it." 

Lydia's eyes widened slightly, "What happened to her?"

"If I tell you, will you promise to listen to the whole story before you make a decision on how you feel about it?" I asked hesitantly. 

I want to be honest with everyone, because lying just makes things a hell of a lot messier. I trust Lydia to be smart about this but at the same time, I thought that there was a sliver of hope that Scott would be opened minded about it, too... and I had been oh so very wrong about that one. 

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