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Tessa P.O.V.
(April 10, 2014)

(I skipped the street fight because there isn't much to tell)

I woke up to the sound of something stomping into my room, but couldn't open the door, and fell into it. That's mom alright, even better, she's drunk.

"Did you know that I don't l-l-like you." She slurred. I rolled my eyes getting up, "A thousand times."
"Have I said it today?" She asked throwing the bottle in my trash can, only to hear it bust.
"Can you even tell me what today is?" I ask, crossing my arms.
I felt a sting on my left cheek, I held my hand and looked at her, "Don't ever talk to me like that again! Got it?"
I pushed her out of my room and slammed the door closed, "How are you my daughter? Huh? Why can't you be like Cameron?"

I breathed low and walked to my closet. I pulled out black jeans, my "Kick Me" shirt (Sleeping With Sirens) and my white converse.

I walked into my attached bathroom and brush my teeth. I did my hair which was a high pony tail and walked back into my bedroom, looking at myself, then getting my keys and walked down the stairs.

I looked around to make sure that my mom wasn't in sight. Then made a run for the save, I grabbed a case of beer and ran to my car before she can down. Like she would even noiced. The bitch drinks till she sees butterfly's.

I drove over to the boys new house. They told me where it was over the weekend but I never got to see it. They all live in one house since all of them have a back story of how they got kick out. Here let me explain:


The reason that he got kicked out because he was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Before he met me, he was a nerd and always did what mom said. Now we fight and do things that most kids haven't even thought of.


He got kicked out because of his father. He lived in a family where even if you did everything right, you somehow mess everything up. He got abused. I remember him always walking into school with a new cut or bruise.


One of the easy ones if I tell you. He was one to always fight back, he never likes someone fighting his own battles, if someone were too, man I wouldn't want to be you.


He was a fuzzboy, there wasn't a day that went by where he didn't have a girl by his side. His mom got tired of it and said, "Leave." An that was all.

I drove to the house and parked outside taking a look at the place. It was a big brown house, outside was filled with trees, so you could berley see it from the street, it was a nice little get-a-way place. I shrugged and got out.

I walked up and knocked on the door, because knowing me this could be the wrong house. Luke answered his no shirt on, I covered my eyes, "Put on a shirt." He chuckled and walked away, the rest of the guys were in the living room.

"This is a nice place you got." I said amazed.
"I know right. It was he cheapest yet has so much space. You could even move in if you wanna." Brian said, getting up to get his bag.
I shrugged, "I hate my mom, but if I wasn't there, there would be no way that she could pay the bills."
He nodded, "You're always welcome though."
"Thank you." I smiled.

Everyone soon come over and we walked back oust heading to school. We don't give a shit about anything in school, but I guess it's still fun to go and mess with people.

I drove to school with our music blasting. When I mean blasting, I mean you shouldn't be doing that at 7 in the morning. When we would pass someone, they would stare, but that didn't stop me from flipping them off. Then when the light turned green, I would speed off.

We slowly walked in, we were 15 mins late but we couldn't give two shits about it. We messed around in the hallways for a little bit, then decided that we should go to our class.

When I walked into homeroom, I tried to snake my way but to my desk without her noticing but failed, "Tessa, how lovely for you to join us today." She said, "Why don't you take a seat?"
I rolled my eyes walking to the back of the class siting down. I put my legs up on the desk watching the clock as every single minute went by. I tapped my pen against the desk.

The teacher keeps going on about the new work things we have to get done and some stuff. Again couldn't give two shits.

The bell finally rang and everyone walked out. I on the other hand got pulled back by the teacher. "Tessa do you know that you are one of my top students?" I gave her a questionable look, "Mrs. Taylor. You know that I don't do a damn thing in this class, how on earth could I be your best student?"

She didn't say anything, she just stared at me,
"I don't even do anything in this class." I said waiting for her to go on.
She laughed but I wasn't kidding. "Tessa, I'm just fucking with you." She said.
I knitted my eyes brows together at her. She just cussed, is that even aloud for teachers? I slowly turned around and walked out and go my next class. What the fuck just happened?

--after school--

I walked out with the boys next to me. We walked to my car and got in.

"Spencer can you get the beer in front of you?" I asked.
"You have beer in here?" He asked looking below him.
"Uh duh." I said, reaching my hand behind me.

He gave one to everyone and we opened it. Most people have a bottle opener but, we use our teeth which I think tuff, but the same time no we should be doing that. I did sips because I was driving.

"Are we just going to my house?" I asked. Waiting for their response so I know where to turn.
Everyone nodded and I went that way.

Brian turned on the radio and dessert came on, we all started screaming the lyrics of the song as I pulled into my driveway.

We all joked around and walked into my house, I sipped more on my beer, and still continues the song.

As we walked into the kitchen I saw something that I don't want to see. Just had to be NOW! My eyes got red shot. I put my hands into a fist. I stood there just starring.

"I thought I made it clear when I said I never wanted you back here." I slowly said, "I made it very clear."

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love y'all❤️

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