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If you couldn't tell, this is Honey.

Honey's P.O.V.
(April 13, 2014)

I needed a new place to keep the boys so no one could find them. I drove for 2 hours, getting into a new town. San Francisco. I have a house down there that is family owned, so that is where I'm keeping the boys. I pulled to the back of the house to keep a low profile. I don't need them to know where we are, nor if anyone finds me.
"Come on." I said lightly pulling them out.
"Why are we here?" Dylan asked.
I turned around, "Just saving people time."
He rolled his eyes, "Why did you kidnap us? Who was the first girl that did? Who are you? Why did you drove 2 hours away? Where is Te-."
"Be quiet." I whispered yelled.
I pulled them inside and pulled them down to the basement. I untied there arms and put them on chains.
"What are you doing?" Brian yelled.
"Don't ask anymore questions." I turned to a door that made a room.
"Lana!" I yelled.
She came through the door. "Please show our new guest the others."
I smiled and walked back upstairs. I could already hear the screaming. Good thing there wasn't anyone by for miles.

---Crystal's P.O.V.---

I was already back at my house making the new clue for Tessa. This one was for her to know that I didn't have the boys, but that doesn't mean I have something more coming her way. When she finally understands why I'm doing this to her and why Honey is now on it too, things will come-a-be. She was the smartest out of us. We had a little group in high school, before she turned the way she did. It was sophomore year, there were 5 people.

Jenna or Honey
and Adam

We were all great friends. We were the bad bitches in the school. You would just know not to mess with us. Even though we all hated everyone in the school, we knew what we wanted in life, as in helping or entertaining. All of us had things figured out.
Like Adam wanted to go to medical school and help the people in need.
Skylar wanted to become an actor.
Honey wanted to become a stripper, as a joke, but still.
I wanted to be the first generation to go to college. Tessa wanted to go into the army and fight for our rights, but if she couldn't be that then she wanted to become a photographer.

Then everyone started to do new things, explore. Skylar and Adam knew that whatever they did, they were going to love it. Then something happened to them and they disappeared and said to be dead.

Honey became a psychopath. She was one that wanted to watch the world burn. Which is why everyone thought she could have kill Skylar and Adam. So I walked away from her and same to Tessa.

I became a total loser, grades were all that I cared about and getting dick. I was so into both I made 'tutoring appointments' but really it was to get dick.

Shit happened in Tessa's life and she just became so mad at everything. She shut the whole world out. Have you ever seen the sandlot? And at the end they explained what everyone did after they grew up? I feel as if that was us. We became friends, best friends, and poof, we never see each other again.

After the whole fight with all of us, we just gave up in life. We were there to hold up someone that fell down. Me and Tessa never knew each other, till one night we used fake I.D.'s and got into a drag race. Then we talked and found out we went to the same school and shit. She knew Jenna, so we added her in our group, I knew Adam and Skylar. So everything was just a win.

If only we weren't to say those words to each other, then none of this would have happened. Oh my gosh. What am I doing? I am making this worst. "Shit." I said to myself. I grabbed on right of the duffel bag and went to the garage to get some gasoline. I went outside to the fire pit in the yard, and dropped the duffel bag inside. I poured gasoline on it and took a match for the fire kit next to it, and watched at flames brushed from it. Then walked away from it all.

---Tessa's P.O.V.---

Me and Hayes couldn't find anything to do, so we drove and talked the whole time, it was about 5 in the morning. 
"Hayes?" I asked
"Yeah?" He responded. 
"Do you ever miss the all times?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, before anything bad happened?"
"All the bad things only happened to you."
"Thanks Hayes." I mumble as we came to a red light, I looked over to my right.
"What? I'm saying things that are true."
"So nothing happened bad to you?"
"Of course something bad has happened to me."
"Turn right." I said as he did I followed behind him, then sped around him.

We were making our way into kind of opened woods, it's a place where no one can find you, but you can see over the town. I pulled up to the cliff but no too close because I don't want to be seen or fall off. I put my car into park. I got out and looked around the car. There were 3 main bullets on the back of the car. I sighed, "Well damn."

I walked back to the front of the car and looked over at Hayes. He looked so peaceful. He still looked very tired though.
"I can feel you staring at me."
I laughed and looked away. "Look at this." He paused looking at the town below. "How did you find this?"
I didn't want to look at him so I kept my stare at the view, "Cameron. Before he left, he wanted to show me something. We came up here. He told me that this was his place to think and get anyway from hate and his fans. He loves his fans but sometimes they can just be to much for him to handle. When he left, I thought that when he said that he had to get something, he meant that he needed to get away. But not away from me. I always hated coming up here, just the thought of him, made me go mad," I paused and looked over at Hayes. "You never know what you have 'till it's gone. I learned that the hard way. My mom is always drunk, Cameron is crazy, my dad walked out on us. My life is a never ending hell story."
"You will always have me."
"Thanks Hayes." He smiled.

I checked my phone thinking that maybe there was a text or something that told me where the boys where. I saw that I had a text from Crystal.

(Crystal-C Tessa-T)

C- Look this is not a joke, I started to think about what I did to you. I've been setting you up into a home invasion and murder. I gave the boys to an old friend of our Jenna. I don't know where they are or where she would have gone. All I know is, I might have unleashed hell for you, but she is about to go 3x as more. I might have stopped with all of my bullshit but you still a suspect for all of this. Good luck xoxo

T- Thanks for stopping but you're still a bitch and when I find you, I'm going to unleash hell. good luck xoxo

I turned my phone off.
"Do you have a place that we can stay? I know your tired and I am too."
He looked over at me, "I have a cabin that my family hasn't used in years. It's on a lake."
I nodded, "Well let's go."
It was now 7 in the morning. Gosh, could this get any worse?


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