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Tessa's POV
(April 12, 2014)

"What happened?" The boy asked.
I looked over at him, "What do you mean?" I asked sitting down on the couch.
"Why would Cameron bring his younger sister here? There must have been a reason."
"Oh," I paused trying ot find the words to explain what happened, "Cameron left me 2 years ago, came back to see that sweet girl he left has changed. I left the house and tried to move in with my friends of mine, but this bitch kidnaps me and makes me move in with him. Then I somehow get here."

He pulled out his phone, I guess to call Cameron or something. If I was him I would have so many questions. 3 more boys come out from the hallway.

"Kian who was at the door?"
When they came around the corner they saw me. "Who's this?" He said pointing at me.
Kian turned around with the phone pressed up against his ear, "Cameron's little sister."
The boy nodded. "I'm JC, this is Connor and Ricky." He said pointing to the boys behind him.
"I'm Tessa." I played with my fingernails.
They nodded sitting next to me.

Everything got quiet so we could hear Kian's conversation with someone.

"What are you doing here?" Another boy asked.
I turned my head to them, "Cameron didn't want me anymore and brought me here. But really you guys can let me go. There is no reason for me to be here," I looked around, "Where exactly am I?"
"Your in LA."
"LA?" One nodded, I think it was Connor.
I held my head, "Yesterday I was just in Chino Hills. How did I get here without myself knowing? I need to get home." I said standing up.
I felt my pants for my phone, I pulled it out from my back pocket and call Spencer.

(Spencer-S Tessa-T)

S- Tessa?

T- Spencer! where are you?

S- I just woke up. The last thing I remember was your brother walking through the door. I'm at home.

T- I need you to come and get me.

S- Tessa, your brother made it clear not to come and get you.

T- I'm not with my brother, I just need to come and help me get home.

S- Tessa, we can't leave.

T- why?

S- swich to facetime.

I did as he said. I looked at my phone seeing that the door was blocked and same at windows. They couldn't leave that house.

T- Oh no.

S- I hear someone, I have to go.

Without saying anything else the call ended. I looked back over at the guys.
"You guys have to get me home." I said.
"You have to stay here." I looked over at the door.

Next to the door, was a shelf of keys. I looked back over at them, "Why do I have to stay here?" I said slowly making my way to the door. By now they are all standing up.
"Because Cameron said so."
"My friends are in danger, I need to go."
Kian nodded, "You can't leave." He grabbed my arm holding me back.
"No." I said.

I reached up and got a key. I closed my eyes, breathing in slowly, I opened my eyes and looked back at Kian. This burst of energy come out of me pushing them to the wall. I ran out. I pressed the unlock button on the key seeing the lights go off.

I jumped into a black car pulling out, I stomped on the gas petal going as fast as I could down the road. I left my stuff at there house forgetting about it. I looked around trying to find my way around. I looked in my rear view mirror something following me. I looked closer and saw Kian. I pulled out, waving through the traffic to get as far away from them.

I heard a horn go off. I looked the way the horn went off.
"Oh no." I said to myself.
I moved gears taking a sharp turn. It was a truck I learned from street racing. I drove so fast that when I went over a hill, I came down with a crash, but I still drove on. I looked at the traffic light, seeing it was turning red, and the other way was driving, "Shit."

I looked back into my rear view seeing it there was now 2 cars behind me. One was obviously Kian but someone else. I took a look at the car, remembering the car, Cameron. Each one pulled to the other side on my car. Kian on the passenger side and Cameron on my side. I took the time to flipped him off. I make a fast move slamming on my break, then turning right in a back allie. Kian was really paying attention and notice what I did, and did the same. Cameron didn't, he kept going straight.
I laughed, "YES!" I yelled. Only a few seconds later Cameron was next to me again.
"NO!" I yelled and banged my hands against the steering wheel.

We pulled out of the Allie, and got back on a main road. This was my chance. I did a very risky thing and crashed my car into him making him swerve.

I look to the right of me and saw Kian going after Cameron leaving me alone. I pulled up on the high way making my way home. I need to help my boys. The only people that have been in my life for the longest.


will she be able to get them out?

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