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Tessa P.O.V.
(April 10, 2014)

"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I got off of my tour to come and see you and mom." Cameron said.
I faked laughed, "oh really? If you haven't notice I don't want to see you."
Cameron looked at me and walked up to me, "Tessa? What happen to you?"
I looked him in the eyes and my anger was building up. "What happened to me? What the fuck happened to you? The only way I knew what was happening in your life was by checking your social media." I said then I got louder, "So yeah, I did change. But it was for the better. I mean really, you left the day of the biggest moment of my life, and didn't even say goodbye." I looked behind him and see other people.

"Who are these fucktards? And why are they in my house?" I looked at Cameron again.
"These are my friends from MagCon. What do you mean your house?" I waved, "Hi nice to meet you, don't talk to me or touch anything." I paused and looked back at Cameron, "You haven't heard? Mom became a drunk after you left, without me, we wouldn't have this house."

Then I looked back at Cameron, "So, how have you been? I want to hear all about your trip. I mean everything around here has just been going great. Thanks for asking. Moms a little crazy and shit and wait this is the best part, have you even seen dad?" I said and crossed my arms. He looked me with hate and disgust, "Don't talk to me like I never cared." I stepped closer to him, "Well you don't seem to show it."

I looked at the boys, "I think imma take your offer about moving in."
I uncrossed my arms. "Where are they staying tonight?"
"There staying here."
I nodded, "Oh goody, that means you can have my room too."
I walked out of the kitchen, "Boys, help me get my shit out of here." I grinded through my teeth.

I heard the footsteps of them following. "What does that mean?" Cameron asked turning me around
I turned to face him, "It means that I'm leaving."
I tugged my arm back and went on with what I was doing.

I packed boxes, tapped, sent. Soon my my room was becoming empty and my car filling.
"Tessa what are you doing?" Cam kept following me. "Moving." Was all I said and put the box in the bed of my truck. I going to take my other car there and come back for my GTR later.

I walked back in and Cameron stopped me. "No you are not."
I rolled my eyes, "You really think I give a shit? I'm not staying here and living you here and them dick heads. Good luck living with mom, and your paying the bill for now on." I said.
The boys came down with last of the boxes, "I'm saying that I'm leaving whether you like it our not. Just because you came back doesn't mean you make the rules. I've lived without you for 2 years, and I'll 2 more if it means I get to be away from you."
I went to go back into the house to make sure I had everything when Cameron grabbed my wrist. I looked down at it them back up at him. "Your not leaving." He whispered.

I pulled back my hand. "You don't have any saying because I have a life. I'm 17 now. So you know what you do?" I paused and waited for him to answer.
"Piss on a stick and shove it up your ass dick face."

I pushed his shoulder as I walked back in. The boys brought more stuff down. I packed my hair, makeup, and pictures. I started looking around when I found a note in my desk. I read the first line, then walked down and stopped at the living room.

"I couldn't give a shit about you guys or Cameron but," I said dropping a note on the table. "I want him to know what he put me through."

I left everything behind me. I can tell you that it felt good to start a new life. I packed everything up and drove down the driveway. Cameron stood on the ouch watching me leave. I honked the horn twice, and sped off. "That's for you asshole." I mutter to myself.

When we got to the house Luke was impatiently waiting and showed me to the opened room. I started bringing boxes in and unpacked. All the time on my hands while packing made me think.

There was only 1 week left of school so we just skipped because it was also our last year of school. This was our last year in school and we were on our own. I know that without education that my life will be hell, but maybe I might find away to make money. I deleted and blocked all calls from my mom and Cameron. If his friends start to text me then I will block them too. I turned off my location so people couldn't find us. I didn't want to be anywhere near them in general.

Later that night, I was finally done with the lost of what I could do. I walked down stairs the the living room where everyone was. I saw that there wasn't any space for me to sit, so I laid down on everyone. We watched TV for what felt like hours.

I know stuff was going to happen in a few days. I could feel the pain that I have. I'm powering that pain. Maybe I should start to figure out my new powers. I don't know what I can do but I sure as hell was going to use it.

"Damn, I'm glad that I moved here." As I faced everyone and they looked at me. "Us too." I smiled and went back to watching TV. My head was on Spencer lap as he was brushing my hair with his fingers. I soon was felling asleep on his lap.

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love y'all❤️

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