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Tessa's P.O.V

"Hayes this cabin," I paused looking around, "looks like you might kill me in it."
He laughed, "Calm down, I won't do that to you," He paused for dramatic effect, "yet."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. We walked up to the front door and he unlocked it. When we walked in I took a look around to see what was here. On the inside there was a small living room and kitchen. I walked down the hallway seeing 2 rooms and a bathroom. I walked back to the living room where Hayes was siting on the couch.

"How long do you think we will be here?" He asked sitting on the couch.
I shrugged, "'Till things start to become right."
He nodded as I sat down next to him. I looked down at my phone. I got a text but it wasn't from Crystal, it was from someone else. Cameron.

(Tessa-T Cameron-C)

C- Where did you go now?
T- Leave me alone Cameron.
C- Hun, this war is only getting started. But guess who started it?
T- What do you want from me?
C- I need you to stay with Kian.
T- No thank you, something is fucked up in his head.
C- just get your ass back here Tessa.
T- Leave me alone dipshit.
C- You can't hide forever Tessa.
T- Watch me bitch.

I looked over at Hayes, "Are you ok?" He asked.
I nodded, "I just need some sleep."
I got up and walked back to the first room that I saw. I took off my leather jacket and jeans. I jumped into bed. I was soon asleep.

----late night---

"Tessa." Someone was shaking me.
I opened my eyes and saw Hayes, "What Hayes?"
I moved on my stomach. "Someone is here." I sat up.

I pulled the blanket over me getting up. I ran to the front looking out of the window. Spencer? I opened the door.
"How the hell did you find me?" I said pulling him in looking around then closing the door.
"Your phone is still on and I find your location." I pitched my nose.

I walked to my room turning off my location. You might be asking why not get rid of your phone? Well I need my phone to get texts and shit like that. I put my phone down and put on my jeans.
"I can't stay in these clothes forever." I said to myself. I walked to the living room.
"Look, I'm going back home to get stuff, do you guys want to come with me or stay?"
They were hesitant at first, "You want to go back in that?"
I nodded, "We need supplies and I need clothes, I'm heading back home to get shit we might need, it anything happens," I paused going back to my room and getting my jacket and gun. Then I put my pants back on and walked back out. "Use this gun."
"No I'm not." Hayes says stepping away.
"It's not that bad." Spencer said grabbing the gun.
"I gotta go. I'll see you in 2 hours, if I'm not back come find me." I said, then walked outside to go to my car.

—at home—

I walked to the front door again, and semi closed it. I walked to my room, getting a bag and getting things I needed. Then got another bag to get things that we might need. Food, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.

Then I walked into the garage, getting tools that I know that they wouldn't have around the cabin. When I went back into the house, in the corner of my eye I saw a dark shadow in the living room.

I ducked down, and walked to a cabinet that hold weapons. I pulled out another gun, and looked through the sliding doors that look out in the living room. Right when I looked the dark mass moved to the side.

I ducked back down, cocked the gun, and made my way to the doorway of the kitchen. I looked out from the doorway, and saw it was getting closer. I breathed, and stepped out pointing my gun, "Who are you and what are doing here?!"

There wasn't a sound, but my heart beating. My heart felt like it would pound right of my chest. The mass moved over to the other side of the room, and stopped, stepping closer.
"Who are you?"
The mass stepped into the light. The outline appeared to be a human.
"M-my name is Scout. I'm so sorry, the door was open and I need some food, and a safe place to stay."
I put my gun down to my side, "How old are you, Scout?"
"I'm 12. I got kicked out of my house and I've been on the street." She stepped forward and was about 3 feet away from me.
"How long ago what that?"
"I don't remember but it's been a long time."
"How did you kicked out?"
"They didn't want me, they said I wasn't like my older sibling, so I was just a mistake waiting to happen."

As she stepped closer to me, I got a better look at her. She was wearing a full green shirt with jean overalls. She wore white converse but they weren't so white as they used to be. Her face was very dirty, and she had cuts all over her. She had dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. They remind me of Hayes.

"Do you have any place to stay? I could drive you there?"
"No most of my family is in Chicago."

I thought a moment, what could I do? Maybe put her in a girls home? No, that wasn't a good place to be. She'll have to stay with me for the mean time.

"Alright, do you mind staying with me for a little bit?"
"No that's alright, I can just stay here."
"Scout, this place isn't safe at all, look at it."

She took a notice to the flipped furniture and holes and things on the walls.

"Where are you staying?" She asked
"In a cabin, this used to be my home, but this is unlivable."

She nodded, "Well now what?"
"You need to help me take these supplies to my car out there." I pointed out the kitchen window, but it really didn't help when it was blacked out, "Well you'll see it when you walk outside."

She nodded again taking a bag, and walked outside. I  took the other bag and a few weapons and followed behind her. I opened the back seat set the down and got back in the drivers side, and she sat next to me.

"So what were you doing there?" She asked.
"Well, someone has been setting me up on crimes I haven't done. So I've been on a chase. But I needed to go back there to get things that I needed."
"What did you do?" She asked, the thing was she was scared, and showed no fear.
"I didn't do anything, but the person made it look like a killed people, and broke into a house."
"Wow, that most have been a lot of work."
"Damn straight."
"What's your plan?"
"Not to get killed."

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