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Tessa POV
(April 12, 2014)

I woke up in someones bed and it wasn't mine. I turned my head and saw Cameron? I slapped his face hard and sat up, "What the hell Tessa!" Cameron yelled.
"Don't 'what the hell' me. Where the fuck am I?" I said though my teeth.
"Ain't it obvious? We're home, where you belong." Cameron said, trying to go back to sleep. But I slapped him again, and got up.
I looked around to this wasn't even home, "CAMERON WHERE THE FUCK AM I!" I screamed.
He mumbled as an answer so I got up and walked out the door.

I was so clueless to where I was, that I ran into a couch with me knowing. I fell over it crashing into someone who was on the couch, "Well you must be Tessa." I heard him say. I sat up and fixed my hair, "Who want to know?"
"No one, just never met you before. He said putting his phone down on his stomach.
"What's your name?" I asked moving to the other side of the couch.
"Sorry, Cameron told me not to tell you."
I rolled my eyes, "Oh course that dipshit did. Why can't you tell me?"
He shrugged, "I don't know, Cameron said not to tell you anything, but Imma do what he asked." He paused, "But for now you can call me, Cali."
I knitted my eyebrows together, "Why Cali?"
"Don't tell Cameron but it's my favorite state."
I chuckled, "Great to know. When would you be able to tell me?" But then again, why do I care?
"I will once Cameron says it's okay too." He said.

I nodded by the new information, for up and walked back into Cameron's room. Still seeing him asleep, I could only think of one thing to do; piss him off.

I walked over to his bathroom, seeing a nice red bucket in the closet. I smirked and poured water into it. Now I know what you're thinking, what are you doing Tessa? The question is, why haven't I've done it before? And besides, the motherfucker has done it to me.

I tiptoe over to his bed, careful not to drop any water, because I want every last dip on him. I lifted up the bucket, and boom. Wet is what he became.

He sat up yelling, "TESSA IMMA BET YOUR ASS!" That was my signal to run.

I ran back down to the living room to where I was, jumping over Cali, and hiding on the other side of the couch so Cameron couldn't see me. Well at least that was the plan.

I fell down on the way and tried to get back up but someone stopped me. I looked up and saw it was a guy that was from MagCon. Taylor.

"What are you doing?" I asked and moved him arm. "I'm doing what is right." He said.
I laughed, "So then it is right if I punch you in the face?"
"Like you can do anything." Taylor said grabbing my arm tighter. But that made me more angry.

I went to punch him but he grab my hand. As he smirked, I did what I thought 'was right'; I took my other hand and punched him as hard as I could. He fell down with a limp, holding his nose. I saw the blood dips falling as he went down. I laughed pointing at him, "HAHA! you got punched by a girl!"

But my victory didn't last when I turned around and saw Cameron. I went to make a run for it but he held me back.

"So you punch my best friend and you pure water all over me?" Cameron asked. I looked down to see his white shirt and shorts were dripping wet.
I heard a laugh from behind me, and saw Cali.
I smirked, "Yep."
Cameron didn't look to pleased, "I wonder how mom even put of with you! No wonder dad left us, you bitch!" Cameron yelled.

I jumped at his sudden of words. I looked at him with disbelief. Cameron than realized what he had said, "Oh my god. Tessa I didn-" Cameron tried to say but I stopped him.

"I'm the bitch here? Look in the mirror! You left me for 2 fucking years and you are calling me the bitch! Mom didn't know what to do since you and dad left! She thought that you would have moved away and she wouldn't be able to see you! I changed because of you! I put my anger into everything! I mean look at me! What did you say when I came though the door? I didn't know what to do so I became mad! If you have anything to say about me, you might want to save your breathe because you have no idea what you are talking about!" I yelled at him.

He became more mad yet so sad at the same time. I rolled my eyes, "You know nothing about me. And trust me, you never will." I crossed my arms.

"You know I can't even look at you. Jacob call Kian and JC. You are going to live with them. I can't stand you." Cameron said.
I laughed, "Now your sending me away? You are a real piece of shit. Jacob take me home." I said walking to the door. "Don't listen to her Jacob, call Kian and JC."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll drive." He said walking to the door grabbing the keys.
"Who is Kian and JC?" I asked.
"Friends of Cameron's."
"And who are you?"
"Well since Cameron already said my name, I'm Jacob. Jacob Whitesides." I nodded.

---1 hour later---

We pulled up to the mystery Kian and JC's house. We got it if the car and we walked up to the front pouch. I looked behind him and the door to see if I could escape.

Jacob gave me a bag, when we left, I guess when they took me away they got some of my stuff.

Jacob knock and then the door opened to a tall young man about Cameron's age. He had blonde hair and was skinny. "Who's this?" He asked.
"Kian this is Tessa, Cameron's younger sister. Take her and just call Cameron for any questions."

He walked away and I stood there with wide eyes. "Well, I guess come in." He moved to the side and I looked around the place. Holy shit.

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