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If you couldn't guess, that would be Tessa.

Tessa's P.O.V.
(April 12, 2014)

The rest of the drive home was okay.I didn't run into any problems till I got home. That's how I ended up getting to where I am now. Meaning I ended behind bars trying to get my friends out of this mess. Did anything good come out of it? No, they are still missing. This is what happened.

---Getting home 5:00 pm---

I pulled up to the house, immediately, I jumped out of the car. I ran fast to the down, trying to open it from the handle, but I forgot it was boarded up. "Shit." I first shoulder punch it but nothing happened. So I did the next option, I kicked it down.

I slowly walked in making sure that there wasn't any danger. I looked around and saw that everything was destroyed. I walked around, amazed at everything that happened, the TV was knocked off the stand and the couch was flipped over. I took another risky task, and went up the stairs. There was holes in the walls, as in someone was punching it. The doors were knocked off the hinges. It was horrible.

I eased my way into the room. When I finally got to my room I saw that everything was not the way I left it. It looked like someone came in here looking for something. I walked back out going to Spencer's room I saw something on the walls. I must have not seen it the first time I came in here. I walked over to the wall, taking a closer look, it appeared to be blood. I wiped my hand over it, but it was paint. It was a pattern of something. Since I didn't see it the first time, I took a step back to see if I could find something like this. It trailed over to the closet.

"Oh god." I whispered.

I slowly walked over to it. I gulped, reaching for the handle for door. I pulled it open very fast. I looked down and saw a body. I jumped back falling to my ass. I put my hand over my mouth. There was a mask over the persons face. I reached over to take it off, I pulled it over and saw it was Spencer.

"SPENCER!" I screamed. I pulled him out. I held my finger tips over his neck trying to feel a palse.

I felt something very fate. I jumped up pulling him with me. I ran down to the car that I stole and made my way to the hospital. I stood outside, I got a glance inside. I saw the TV over the front desk. It wasn't the TV I was surprised by, it was who was on it. It was me, the caption under my picture said: 'HOME INVASION SUSPECT'

I rolled my eyes, "Damn it." I set Spencer's on the sidewalk, "Spencer, I need you to fight for me ok? Please just stay here for me."

I looked around to see if there was something that I could get their attention without them seeing me. But the only thing I saw was tree branches. So I got back into my car, turned it on, out it in drive, and the last second I honked the horn real loud. I saw the lady at the front desk standing up, then start to walk over to the door.

I sped off, creating dust from the parking lot. I heard a vibration from something on the passenger seat, seeing my phone glowing. I reached over for to phone and answered the call before looking at.

(Tessa-T Someone- ?)

T- Hello?
?- Did you like what I left you?
T- Who is this?
?- Don't worry the other boys are fine.
?- I said they are fine. Here talk to them.
T- Boys?
?- Tessa, were fine.
T- Who took you?
?- That is not something they can answer. Meet me tonight, the east side track.

Then this person hanged up. Track? What the hell? Why would I meet you on the gangs track? Who the hell did I meet over there? I've met a lot from racing.
Wait, there was one girl that I met, and trust me I can't forget her. I met this girl named Crystal, she was something else too. She was the main person that showed me the meaning of life. She told my to live every last minute like it was the last. We met at that track and I raced the first time.



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