Chapter 10

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After a lot of thinking I decided not to go to lunch with Zane. I texted him some lie about Chloe being sick and me wanting to take care of her, I guess he brought it because he texted me back saying that it was ok and maybe we could hook up another time.

"Hey Chloe come in here!" I yelled from my bed.

About three minutes later she came prancing in my room like she just skipped off of a damn rainbow. I wonder what she was so happy about.

"What are you so preppy about little Miss. Sunshine?" I asked wondering why she was so happy while my life was slowly but surly going down the gutter.

"Nothing, I just feel good today. I don't really know why but I do. So what do you want with me life chica?" She replied cheesin so hard you would think her cheeks would hurt by now.

"I want to go to the mall. You in?" I asked without hesitation.

"Bitch is the sun round? Does the moon have craters? Is Paul Walker fine? I'm finna go get dressed be back in ten." She yelled over the shoulder as she leaped, skipped, and pranced out of my bedroom.

That damn girl. Some times I wonder if she was dropped on her head as a baby or something.

Thirty minutes later we were pulling out of my driveway and on our way to the mall. At this point I need a little retail therapy in my life. I was so confused as to what to do with Daniel and then Zane just pops up out of nowhere making things harder than what they really were.

But I mean hey. I'm 22. I'm young and I wanna have as much fun as possible and that is what I plan on doing. I gotta live my life to the fullest and with no regrets because any other way would be uneceptable.

Right? I mean I could always make up with Daniel and still have someone to fall back on. Shit dudes do it all the time. I think that's its only fair that I have a spare tire just in case this one got a flat.


"Hello?' I asked speaking into my phone on my way home from the mall. "Zane right?" I added while rolling my eyes at Chloe when she gave me a funny look.

"Who dis?" A strong manly voice spoke back.

"Karizma." I said stomping on the breaks before I could run a stop sign.

"Ahhhh ..... Beauty from the park. How's ya friend doin?" He asked.

At first I was confused but then I had to realize that I lied and canceled our lunch date by say Chloe was sick.

"She's fine . I gave her this little potion my grandmother used to give to me when I was sick and it help a lot. She's doing a lot better. But I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat or something tonight? You know to make up for our lunch date I had to cancel on at the last minute." I asked while turning down my block.

"Ya that sounds good. I can pick you up at around Ion know 8:30ish." He told me. I could obviously tell that he had to look at the time by the way his voice faded and came right back.

"8:30ish it is. I will text you me address. See you then." I replied before hanging up my phone and getting out of my car.

I colud feel a burning sensation on the side of my face and I just knew Chloe eyes were trying to pierce their way through my soul.

"What bitch?" I asked Chloe as I hopped out of my car and walking to the trunk to get my bags.

"Who you was on the phone with?" She questioned as if she was a thugs momma or something. "And hurry up and open the door these bags are getting heavier by the second." She added acting all dramatic and what not.

"Just a friend of mine." I said dropping my bags on the floor and flopping down on my bed to relax before I got ready for my date.

"Friend of mine my ass. He's your new boy toy since you and Daniel fell out a little." She giggled while laying down next to me.

"Maybe, maybe not. And that's all I have to say about that darling." I told her with a weird smirk on my face. I never thought of it like that. Maybe Zane could be my little "boy toy". Who knows?

After I had gotten dressed and made sure my hair and make up was right a sudden knock on the door scared the crap out of me. Butterlifes formed in the pit of my stomach and I got really nervous. It was 8:35 and he was here. I was so excited to see him but I couldn't let that show. I didn't have a chance to open the door because Chloe beat me to it. Damn. I wanted to be the first thing he saw when the door was opened. But oh well, you win some you lose some I guess.

"Hi, I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you. Oh and if my best firend doesn't make it back home in one piece i will hunt you down and kill you myslef." Chloe introduced herself like a mad women.

"Thank you Chloe for playing nice." I said walking up beside her.

I rolled my eyes at the puppy dog eyes she tried to give me as if she was all innocent and what not. That bitch know she can be evil sometimes. 

"Good eveing beautiful." 

"Hello sir."

"You all set to go?"

"Yea, lets go."


Our date was amazing. We went to the movies, and out to eat, and for a long nice walk on the beach. It was like a romance movie had come to life, and at that moment it really did. I enjoyed every bit of it. Thoughts came to mind of bringing him back to my house for a night cap but then I had to realize that I'm not the kind of girl. And if you want some of this cookie you were going to have to work of it.

After our date all I could do was lay in bed and recap the whole night over and over again. But my thoughts were rudly intrrupted when my cell phone began to ring out of control. 

"What?" I spatted into my phone without even looking at my caller id. 

"Damn that's how you answer the phone for me now?" The deep voice said as if I offended him or something .

'' Daniel ?'' I asked shocked as hell .

''Yea its me ... Was you expecting someone else ? ''

''To be real with you , yea . I actually was .''

''Who ??!!!''

''A friend if mine abd that's all you need to know .''


Talk about upset . I could hear it all in his voice he was mad that I didn't want to talk to him .

But oh well . I was too tired to put up with his bullshit tonight . And I was not about to let him ruin a wonderful night for me .


Boom boom boom boom ...

The fuck ?? It's 2:30 in the fuckin morning . Who the fuck is banging on my door at 2:30 in the morning ???

I jumped out of bed and stomped angrily toward the front door. I swear this better be the fuckin police . I swung open the door and ......

''Daniel ???''

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