Chapter 14

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I haven't seen or heard from Daniel in three days. Not even a simple text message, I've been blowing his phone up nonstop but nothing. I was so worried about him, but at this point I had to him aside and focus on taking care of my baby. Today is my first check up with an actual doctor, I've been really stressed lately so hopefully they tell me everything is fine. Chloe had left for work already so I was taking this trip alone.


"Well Ms. Washington, it looks like you're a very lucky lady. Even with your high stress levels you still managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle to protect and support you and your child. But I must recommend that you take things really slow, even though this time you were lucky not many women are able to keep there child. So relaxed and get a lot of rest. OK?"

"Yes ma'am."

"OK now here's the fun part, let's take a look at your little creation."

Dr. Sanchez started up the machine, applied the proper lubrication, and seconds later my little joy was on the screen. Even though he or she wasn't much, they were all I had. I couldn't see much, they were so tiny, like a little egg or something. After we were done I got me ultrasound pictures and was sent on my marry little way.

When I left the doctors office I thought about going to Cj's but I changed my mind. Instead I headed to the nearest grocery store to buy more fruits, vegetables, and other things that I would need for the house.

My trip to the store was quick, I went in, got all I needed and was out. While putting my bags away in the car I felt a presence behind me. It was Zane and three random chicks. Before I could say or so anything the biggest bitch sucker punched me, and the fun began. The three girls jumped on me like rabbits jumping on a batch of carrots. I tried my best to protect my stomach but I couldn't do much. I was punched, kicked and maybe even spit on.

Finally the girls were called off me and Zane came to my side.

"I didn't wanna have to do this, but you left me no choice. I had to send a message. See if you just came to me, if you just would've been my girl you wouldn't have to be in this predicament.  Tell yo man to back off or else... Oh, and don't forget, even though we're going through this rough patch you'll still be mine."

And after I heard those words, everything went black.


I woke up many hours Later in the hospital with a headache and swollen body parts. I could barely see and the room was blurry. Moments Later a doctor, a nurse, and at least three police officers walked in to check my vitals and my stability. When they noticed that I was finally up the questions began. Who am I? Where am I from? Who did this to me? I couldn't really talk but I tried for the most part. When the officers left the doctor asked if I had anybody I could call to be with me. I would've said Daniel but, you know. So I gave them Chloe's information and they left the room.

Approximately 20 minutes later Chloe and the doctor walked into my room and all hell broke loose. Instantly my best friend broke out into tears. Once they got her out of the room and calmed her down, the doctor sat on the edge of my bed and grabbed my hand. And I knew then something went terribly wrong.

"M- my.. bay-..  my baby. What happened to my baby?" I asked to the best of my abilities.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Washington..." Was all she could say before I bursted out in tears. This couldn't be real life. I had to be dreaming. I couldn't have lost the only thing that kept me afloat. I just couldn't have!!!!!


Two weeks later I left the hospital in almost mint condition. Except for a few bruises. I came home to a empty house,  no man, no friend, nothing. Once again I had nothing, I was alone,cold and childless. All I could do was go in my room and lay down with the only thing I had left of my child, the ultrasound. Looking at it brought endless waterworks, and I cried until I passed.

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