Election Day

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Katniss POV:
I get out of bed careful not to wake up Peeta. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, then down at my rings. I smile and feel arms around me and look up to see Peeta's reflection in the mirror behind mine. "Hey" I say softly. "Hey" he says back. We both know today won't go well. So we just stand there for a moment before we start getting ready. There's a new game maker, and according to Haymitch he was able to convince Snow to let there still be two tributes, but the only bad thing was it still had to be victors.
-Peeta's POV-
I sit on the stage in front of everyone, Haymitch standing by my side. He won't tell me why he is up here. Then I see Katniss, being escorted by the guards onto the stage. Wait. How come I wasn't escorted, I was a victor just like her. Then it hits me, Haymitch is going into the games with Katniss. I look up at him and he must have known my thoughts. "Don't move" he whispers to me when Effie starts to talk. She does her usual speech at the beginning. "Now for the female tribute" I look over and Katniss looks down. Effie clears her throat and begins to announce "And the female tribute is....Katniss Everdeen...Mellark" I slightly smile at her new name.
-Katniss POV-
I go over and stand by Effie, while she goes and gets the male tributes name. "And the male tribute is...." She sighs "Haymitch Abernathy". I see Peeta start to stand. "I volunteer as tribute!" a voice shouts.

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