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Katniss POV:
All I remember is the fog and then darkness. I wake up to Peeta and Finnick washing off my face and hands. I look over and see Johanna watching out for others. "Where am I?" I say weakly looking at Peeta, "what happened to me?" "It's okay, you're okay. The fog was poisonous and you risked your life to warn us" Finnick replies. Peeta nods hugging me, I hug back.
Johanna's POV:
I am relieved that Katniss is okay, she's pretty cool I guess. "You alright?" I ask and she nods standing up grabbing her bow. "Let's get back to the beach" Peeta says helping Katniss walk. I nod following behind. We get to the beach and all sit down and just chat for awhile.
Peeta's POV:
'Katniss has seemed a little off ever since the games started. I know it was wrong of me to just volunteer to go with her, causing her to worry even more, but I mean I am her husband. So is it really wrong of me?' Katniss and Johanna are looking at me, I then realize I've said all that out loud. Blushing a bit I get up and go over to Finnick and help him catch some dinner.
Katniss POV:
"Do you really think he meant that?" I ask Johanna. She just shrugs not wanting to say the wrong thing. I watch the boys and sigh just thinking, and then it hits me!

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