Wells of Salvation

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January 9, 2016

Bible Reading: Isaiah 12

Foundational Verse:

- Isaiah 12:3 "With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."

Rhema Word:

- Trust in the LORD and do not be afraid!


- God wants each of us to discover through confession and repentance the deep, cool waters of joy found in the everlasting well of His salvation.

- God is our source of joy, refreshment, and strength in times of need.

- Isaiah 12:2 "The Lord God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory."

- God wanted His people, who were living in a spiritual desert as well as a geographical desert, to discover His "wells of salvation."

- The prophet Isaiah compared God's salvation to a well from which the most refreshing of all waters can be drawn.

- Isaiah encouraged the people that deep in God's "wells of salvation" they would experience the cool water of God's grace, strength, and joy (vv. 1-3). This would refresh and strengthen their hearts and cause praise and gratitude to God (vv. 4-6).


- Isaiah 12:1

"In that day you will sing:

I will praise you, O Lord!

You were angry with me, but not any more.

Now you comfort me."

- Isaiah 12:2

"See, God has come to save me.

I will trust in him and not be afraid.

The Lord God is my strength and my song;

he has given me victory."

- God is our source of joy, refreshment, and strength in times of need.

- GOD promises us salvation!

- The wells of God's salvation never run dry.


- Isaiah 12:2 "I will trust in him and not be afraid."

- Isaiah 12:3 "With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!"

- Isaiah 12:4 "In that wonderful day you will sing: Thank the Lord! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is!"

- Isaiah 12:5 "Sing to the Lord, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world."

- Isaiah 12:6 "Let all the people of Jerusalem[a] shout his praise with joy! For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you."


- None.


Thank You Father for the wells of salvation.

I will always trust in you and I will not be afraid whatever circumstances that I've been through.

Because I know You are always with me.

I will sing and praise to You joyfully.

Thank You for the comfort You have offered us GOD.

And for all the victories You has given me.

What will I do to draw deeply from Your well to find joy, refreshment, and strength?

Tell me Father and I will do.

All the things, the praise, and the worship that You alone deserve.


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