Z's Birthday

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Jack's POV (for the first time in foreverrr)

"Maslow, Baldwin, Orlando... Whatever Silento's last name is." I say, as the band (and silento) huddle in to discuss Z's surprise party. "Any ideas as to where we're gonna have the party?"

"Why are we even having a party for that freak." James insults, taking a sip of water and continuously snapping photos.

"That freak, is my girlfriend Maslow!" Johnny says through gritted teeth, making James spill the glass of water all over Johnny.

"Can we focus please!" I yell, snapping my fingers and handing a drenched Johnny a towel.

"Let's just have it at the park. It's got nature and everything a stereotypical girl likes." Silento suggests.

"That sounds great. Now, everyone has to be there at 3pm, even you Maslow." I say, glaring at James.

-5 minutes to 3pm-

Johnny's POV

The park looks great! We've decorated it with balloons shaped liek lots of mlg things, and we've even got a doge cake. A FREAKIN DOGE CAKE! But now it's 5 minutes until teh party starts, and I'm in charge of making sure she arrives. I pull out my phone and decide to text her.

To: Marshmallow <3

do chu wanna hang out at the park like, right now?

From: Marshmallow <3


"Wow, typical Z." i mutter sarcastically, but then laughing at my own joke cuz im too swag to care.

To: Marshmallow <3

Cuz I love chu

From: Marshmallow <3

wtf. fine, be tehre in 5

"She's coming in 5 minutes everybody!" I screech, slipping my phone back into my pocket.


i reach the park, and flippen johnny is nowhere to be seen. But something catches my eye.

"wtf is that a doge balloon." i mutter excitedly to myself. Then, it hits me. johnny set this up for my birthday.

"You moron where are you!" i yell out, but my eyes were fixed on the doge balloon. such perfection. but before I can take another step, I am mobbed by 5 of the friendliest people I know.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ENTHUZIASM!" They say in unison, making me jump.

"My god guys, you did all this?" I laugh, taking a good look around.

"Present time!" Johnny bellows, kissing my cheek and making me blush. I sit down at the table with all the presents on it, as Johnny begs for me to open his first. He hands me a large box, wrapped neatly in a music note wrapping paper. I rip it open, and my face lights up as to what is inside. The most cliche-est but awesomest thing ever lies in the box.

A skateboard with kawaii marshmallow designs on it.

"WHAT THE FLIP JOHNNY!" I squeal in delight, running my fingers over the board.

"It's beautiful." I whisper. I give johnny the biggest, tightest, friendliest hug i've ever given anyone, before placing the skateboard down next to me. I still can't stop smiling. I have the best boyfriend ever, even if he's the most idiotic jerk around.

The next gift is from Jack, who of course gives me something as random as his brother's albums. 

"Gee Hemmings, thanks." I say sarcastically, but I still take the albums in delight. "I've got a lot of songs to learn that I don't actually want to learn now!" I smile, giving him a hug.

James is the next to give me a gift, which happens to be a bag of makeup, nail polish and hair stuff.

"I don't even wear makeup." I snigger, placing the bag next to me. "But thanks anyway Maslow."

Ky forces a large, pink, stripey bag into my hands, which I open immediately.

"OH MY GOD KY!" I scream happily, pulling out everything in the bag and hugging it. Now in my arms are plushies of everything mlg, from shrek toys, to doge, to even illuminati.

"You're amazing Ky." I say, hugging him, making him flinch.

"I knew you'd like it!" He laughs cheerfully, Johnny joining in. I'm glad they're friends again, they're both the cutest things ever.

Silento's the last to give me a gift, which happens to be wrapped in a smiley face wrapping paper (cuz why not) Tearing open the wrapping, I gasp and instantly hug him. It's  a wooden Z, painted in all the colours of the rainbow, with lots of mlg drawings on this.

"Oh my gosh Silento! I'm gonna hang this up on my wall as soon as I get home!" I light up in surprise.

"I really hope you enjoyed today Lizzy. You've done so much for the band and can't wait to write more songs with you." Jack says, patting me on the back.

"I love all you guys." Tears of joy stream down my cheeks as we all get in a big, uncomfortable group hug. Even James joins in!


After the doge cake is all devoured, i test out my new skateboard with johnny, but i haven't ridden in awhile so i kinda failed. and fell several times. 

"don't worry z! you'll get better." johnny reassures me, running behind the skateboard.

"skating is not my thing orlando." i chuckle, hopping off the skateboard. "its too swag for me."

"you are the swaggest person ever z" he says, hugging me. "happy birthdayyyyyy"

"i don't think i've said this properly yet, but i love you" i whisper, pulling away from the hug.

"i've always loved you liz."


Hay its me TiderVampette1301, and I've been on my bff's account writing this rilly awkward but hilarious book. so yes, the role of z is portrayed by me and yes, it is my birthday today so HOPE CHU LIKE THE CHAPTER BOIIIIIIIII

pls vote cuz #yolo


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