Ky Gets Jelly... Or Marshmallows

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Johnny's POV

Z's hair smells nice. i didn't want to stop hugging her. but that would be extremely weird.

"do you want to go out somewhere? like.. the skatepark?" i ask, wanting to get out of her house before her freakishly awkward brother finds me.

"johnny, i cant skate even if a skateboard punched me in the face and forced me to learn." she says seriously, making me feel bad for laughing.

"then i'll be that skateboard; ill teach you." i say, grabbing her hand and forcing her to get up.

"if you punch me in the face, that will be the last anyone's heard from you johnny orlando." she says sternly.

"you're cute when you're mad." i laugh.

"don't even." she yells, but laughs at her own seriousness.



"Halp! Halp!" I freak out, as soon as I step on Johnny's skateboard.

"Liz, you worry too much." He says, holding both my hands and walking forward, so the skateboard follows him.

"I'M FRICKN GONNA FALL ORLANDO!" I yell, squeezing Johnny's hands.

"AND YOU'RE FRICKN HURTING ME LIZZY!" He panics, letting go, causing me fall off, using my arms to break my fall.

"You're such an idiot." I mutter as he runs over to pick me off the ground.

"You looked so ridiculous Z!" He lets out, standing there and laughing.

"Can we like... NEVER DO THIS AGAIN!" I say angrily, but joining in on the laughter as johnny pulls me into a hug.

"Yeah, can you guys NEVER do that again?" mocks a voice from behind us.

"wtf ky!" I call out, pulling away from the hug.

"i see you guys are a thing now." he stares at us coldly, 2 girls WAY taller than him standing behind him, backing up his statements.

"lol you never had courage ky." johnny chuckles, aiming to insult ky.

"OH IT'S ON!" ky shouts, moving closer, and suddenly we're reliving what happened the first time johnny asked me out in front of ky. knowing what i have to do, i jump onto ky's back, my arms strangling his neck blah blah blah, but this time, that wasn't gonna happen. ky's 'minions' basically grabbed me straight off his back and i plummeted onto the floor.

"FOR GODS SAKE" i scream in pain, but am determined to get my revenge. "KY JUST QUIT IT!"

i suddenly have an idea, but it's quite a stupid one. i know it'll work though.

i pull a packet of marshmallows out from my pocket, and rip open the packet.

"ky, you can have the whole packet if you leave us alone you moron!" i yell, throwing him the packet, marshmallows flying everywhere. ky instantly goes into sugar high mode, and stuffs all the marshmallows in his mouth. I nod my head towards Johnny, signalling him to start running. We both pick up the skateboards and run out of the park, but then i have a idea.

another stupid, pointless one, but yolo.


-insert wild clapping here-

smiling at my feet, i gently kick the floor, making the skateboard roll forwards.


"lol calm down Z." he says, getting on his skateboard and rolling alongside me.

"Thanks for being the skateboard who taught me how to ride and didn't punch me in the face." I giggle, reaching out to grab his hand.

"And thanks for being my first, real girlfriend." he replies, making my cheeks flush red. I hop of the skateboard proudly and take a bow, smiling at Johnny.

"ky will do anything for marshmallows." i say, as we lie on the grass and look up at the sky.

"i'm proud of you Liz." he sniggers, taking my hand into his.

"i'm proud of me too orlando." i say truthfully, making him smile his swag, signature smile.

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