z's tour and more

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Ky's POV

i lie on my kawaii bed, my phone screen inches away from my face, scrolling through youtube at 12 in the night because i am so swag i can go to bed late. just as im about to click on a video, a message pops up on the screen. it's from laura, a good friend of mine.

"do u wanna hang out at the park? z is gunna be there too, u can bring amy if u want"

i raise an eyebrow (or attempt to *crais* ) and type a quick reply

"its midnight dude"

after a few seconds, my phone vibrates in my hand again

"yeah, but we cant slop"

"lol meet you there"

i slip my phone into my jeans pocket and silently tip toe into amy's room. she's underneath her blanket, but a bright light is surrounding her, probably from her laptop. i pull the covers from over her head and slam the laptop screen shut.

"what the flip ky it's midnight" she yawns, putting her laptop on the bedside table. 

"i know, but you cant sleep, and neither can i, so do you want to go to the park? laura and z will be there" i ask, staring into her eyes with a persuading stare.

"why are you suddenly becoming a rebel and want to go out at midnight without chur parents knowing ky?"

"we'll be back soon amy! you take your flippen soccer ball." i scoff, pulling her arm and making her stand up from bed.

Amy's POV

i always hated ky, making me organise the money from busking and selling his albums while he sings his heart out, but now i hate him even more, making me follow him to the park at midnight, when i could be watching youtube. but sibling rivalry passes, so i dont complain, i just groan every step of the way, which is pretty much the same thing in his world.

when we reach the park, our eyes meet z and laura's, so we all run to each other and exchange hugs. considering its midnight, they were wearing some stylish options, while i was just in t-shirt and pink shorts lel. z was wearing her usual long black shirt and leggings, while laura was wearing a purple shirt and blue jeans, like ky's.

"i legit didn't think you guys would come at midnight" z laughs, hugging me again.

"what is the actual reason you invited us?" i say annoyed, but hugging back.

"well, it's silento's birthday on friday-" ky starts

"and no one cares" laura adds, offending z and ky a bit.

"SHUT UP GUYS" z explodes, wanting to finish her sentence in peace. "as i was saying, the real reason i invited you guys, is because... im going on tour!"

"what!" we all say in unison, staring at her with open mouths.

"how are you going on tour before us?" ky gasps, looking from z, to laura, to me, and then back to z, clearly confused.

"well, you guys are just slow." she says, hitting him on the arm. "as soon as my album comes out officially, im touring across the country for a month. i just wanted to bring you guys together to tell you since you guys are my closest friends."

"im so proud of you z!" i squeal, attacking her with a large hug

"anyone up for ice cream?" z smirks, pointing at teh 24 hour ice cream bar across the road

"omg yass" laura says, already running, followed by ky, z and i walking at our own pace.

Laura's POV

we sit at a booth, ky and i on one end, cuz amy is suddenly best friends with z (facepalms lel), them sitting opposite us. when our ice cream comes to the table, i scan around at everyone, looking at what each of us bought. amy got a chocolate and vanilla sundae, z got a chocolatey nut cone, and ky got a vanilla ice cream with marshmallows, and i got the exact same, so i shoot a confuzzled glance at ky"

"i like marshmallows" he shrugs, starting to swallow his ice cream

"i like marshmallows too" i say, smiling at ky, making him giggle, a really weird, awkward giggle.

the rest of the night was filled with laughter, ice cream spills and mishaps, running around at the park, and parting ways before our parents question us. i climb into bed and pull out my phone, sending ky a quick message before my eyes flutter shut and i drift into a deep sleep

"i like marshmallows too"

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