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I hate seeing her and not be able to talk to her. Walking pass through her
is a very hard phase. Seeing her being lonely again kills me.

It's been a week since Kyla came back to school. And luckily, there's nothing much of bullying happening.

But Kyla is still giving Monique dagger looks everytime they're in one place.

And I on the other hand is just observing them and trying my best that everything will be alright with Monique.

One time, when I was walking alone in the hallway and I walk past through Kyla and her group and they were talking about Monique and I'm guessing it's not good. So I'm trying to prevent it.

"Hey mate, where are you going?" Chris caught me by surprise and he is alone.

"I'm just walking along while thinking."

"Eth, if you're thinking about the things Kyla could do to Monique, don't worry mate, I'm here, I'll try to prevent it."

"Thanks, Chris,"

I was about to turn around but then I remembered Chris was alone.

"Chris, why are you alone? Where are you going?"

"Well I was just about to go to the Music room to jam. You can come too if you want."

Our first class will be Music and it's early in the morning. There are only a few students around. I just nodded and we walked together.

When we got there, Chris immediately got the guitar and strummed to the tune of 'Little Things' of One Direction. And I started the first verse before he joined and our voice were harmonizing.

We were half way through the song when the bell rang and students starts to flood the room with us still singing and a number of students were around us, some taking videos, but she caught my eye when she entered giving us a quick glance and gave me an eye contact before she turned and sat to her usual spot, at the corner back. I was following her by my eyes but people blocked the way.

We finished the song before Mrs. Walters entered.

"I'm sorry I was late, but I have a very important announcement, we will have a Music Fest in a couple of weeks and if you want to join," I didn't heard the rest of what she was saying as I was staring outside the window.

"Jakob Delgado, Chris Lanzon, Ethan Karpathy, I want you three to prepare at least 3 songs to perform for that day and Ethan, I want you to have a duet with..." She paused looking at her notebook before looking at the back, " Monique" My eyes widen. Sure, it would build her confidence well but I'm afraid she will get a lot of hate because she's being paired with me.


What? I'm gonna have to do a duet with him? Why me? Every girl staring at me right now threatening me.

"Okay, I need to leave you guys for awhile, so have your freetime. And if you want to join, please practice." She says before leaving.

I think I want to kill myself now. I need to get a nap to take this off my  mind. I don't know what to feel either.

"Hey," I was about to doze myself to sleep, he stood right infront of me. And when I tried to look at my surroundings and I see looks that I think could kill someone. I just looked up at him and widened my eyes trying to tell him I'm waiting.

"I was just going to ask you if you have song ideas or suggestions we could sing together," he said getting my message. I tried to think of a perfect song but I didn't come up with anything.

"I don't know, you decide," I said as rude as I could be.

"Niq" my eyes widened at the same time his eyes also widened. He actually called me Niq again after completely ignoring.


We're here in the cafeteria, at the the corner, and he's laughing his ass off at his own corny jokes. And I'm just having my poker face on just to tell him I'm not satisfied with his joke.

"Okay okay, I'm good," he said in between laughs and I just waited for him.

"But, look at the lunch lady," he said pointing at the lunch lady picking her nose, and we just looked at each other and down to our foods before acting out vomitting and disgust, and we just laugh our asses off.

"Monique," he called after finally he settled.


"You're name's too long, you should have a nickname,"

"What would it be?" He put his balled fist under his chin and acted like he was thinking really deep.

"Nique? No, that's too long," he shook his head.

"NIQ! I'll call you Niq, can I?"

"Okay, but you can only call me that if we're friends."

"Then, I guess I'll be calling you that forever."


Forever, huh?

"I'm sorry,"

"No, don't be sorry, we used to be friends right?"

"Okay, but Monique, we can have practices after classes considering it will be in two and we still hadn't have a song to sing, if that would be okay with you," 

"I don't know," I said honestly because I don't know if mum will let me go to a friends house. Well,not really friends but it's for a school activity. And if she'll believe me.

"You can come tomorrow tho,"

"I'll tell you tomorrow,"

We'll be hanging out again. We'll see how it'll turn and if mum will ever let me.


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