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I'm heading to his house again. Everyday routine for the past week and I think I'm getting very comfortable again with him and of course, with her sisters.

One more week and it's time for performance time. Make that 5 more days actually because today is Monday and the performance will be on Saturday. And my family still doesn't know that I'm practicing for a performance. And they still think I go to a friends house every afternoon.

Once we get there, we were greeted by her sisters as usual.

"Monique, oh my god, we miss you," Ivanna remarked since we haven't seen each other this weekend.

"Really? Awwe, how sweet,"

"Yes, yes, really, and Dad wants to meet you too," Tahlia said and I was shocked but I just pulled off a smile to keep it low.

"Alright twins, me and Monique have to practice now," Ethan reminded us and the two let go of me and I followed Ethan to his room.

Once we got there, I went straight to his bed and lay there. And I can say I'm getting comfortable with him now.

"Yow, by the way, I invited Chris and Jakob tonight to join us, would that be okay?" Ethan asked. That made me sit on one corner of the bed and slowly said yeah and nod my head because that made me really uneasy, I mean they are my bullying me at school and now, were gonna be in one room. And I guess Ethan noticed that and he sat beside me.

"Nique, don't worry about them, I assure you they won't be doing anything to you, they're good guys. I swear. And if they'll do something with you, I promise you, I'll be the first guy who'll beat them up," Ethan's words kind of soothes me. Now I'm feeling more light and a little bit of combortable knowing that Ethan will be there for me. No one has ever said those kind of words to me ever,not even my own real Dad or my Mum. Neither of 'em.


I think it's a really good idea to let my friends, Chris and Jakob, meet Monique. I mean she's a very nice girl and people are misjudging  her. And just take her for granted. And besides they're like my closest friends. I think they'll get along.

*knock* *knock*

Naah, just kidding, there wasn't a knocking happened because they just got inside my door.

"Hey, Etho," they both said in sync as they blasted out from the door.

"Hello Christopher and Jakob, it's nice to see you here," I said. And as I turned I remembered introducing them to each other.

"So guys, this is Monique, Monique, these are my friends, Chris and Jakob," I said as I was motioning for th em to shake hands.

"I know," Monique said with alot of hesitations on her face. And there was dead silence and alot of awkwardness.

"Hi Monique, it's nice to meet you," Jakob was the one who broke the silence. He offered Monique his hand and Monique hesitantly accepted it slightly smiled. but atleast she did. And when Jakob took his hand I saw he discreetlu hit Chris by the elbow and I actually get the message. Chris offered his hand to Monique without any emotions on his face. And as expected, Monique reluctantly accepted it.

After all that, the boys went to play fifa around the corner then me and Monique did our vocalizations. We started with the basics.

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes," I started the first line while strumming the guitar. Then the song goes on, Monique sang her part too. And it went pretty good.

"Yo, that was so good," Jakob commented while his eyes is still glued on the screen.

"Thanks, man,"

After practicing, Jakob offered we would jam to a song, and that's what we did. This time Chris has the guitar. I admit Chris will always be a better guitarist than any of us. We sang another Ed Sheeran song "Thinking Out Loud".

It went very well of course but I can feel how shy Monique is right now, singing with like the three of us. We three are like the kings of the school and she's like the loser of the school. But I don't mind. I don't even consider her as a loser. She's so nice.

"I think I need to go now," Monique suddenly said as grabs her backpack and was about to go out of my room.

"Wait, why? It's not even six yet," I asked.

"I told my mum I'll be home early today, besides we already practiced and you already have company," she said while finally going out. But I run after her. I caught her at the staircase.

"I know you just made up that excuse," I told cautiously.

"No really, I have to go,"

"Is it because of Chris and Jakob?"


"Then tell me,"


"Monique," I said with more power than her.

"Okay fine, it's so awkward. And I'm scared of them. You know that,"

"They're in my territory, they can't hurt you,"

"Yeah, I know, but, what about tomorrow? At school?"

"I talked to them already Monique,"

"Just please, it's just not the right time to be with them, I'm sorry, I need to go, by Ethan," by that, she left.

"Where is she?" Jakob asked as I entered the room.

"She went home, her mum needs her,"  white lies.

They went back to do whatever they were doing and I also went with them.


I can't stay with them in the same room actually that's why I went home earlier than usual.

They can be decieving sometimes and I don't wanna fall in their own tactics.

They may be Ethan's friends, but I still being weary of them. I just can't trust my bullies.

"Oh, sweetie, why are you home early? Did your hanging out with her went fast today?" My mum asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Yea, and we have homeworks to do so we decided to finish earlier," I said as I went straight to my room, and my brothers and sisters were there playing, but I did not mind them as I drowse myself to sleep.


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