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This is it, we're down to the last two performers before our turn. And it happened to be the boys, Ethan, Jakob and Chris. They had a very good rendetion of Amnesia and Get Stupid. And I can say they can pretty much be  a good band together.

And I'm just here, trying to act strong, I'm very nervous right now. I think I'm actually shaking and Ethan is just right beside me, being the usual him, composed, hot and the perfect Ethan. Sometimes I actually think I look like an egg beside him.

This is it, this is the moment that we have all been waiting for, we went to stage after some introductions. I looked at the crowd, everyone was there. I saw Sarah, dad and Kiara in one corner, Sarah holding up a camera, Ethan's Family is also around the corner, the twins wave at us and I just smiled. I scanned the whole place then looked at Ethan, he just nod to me and I nodded in for the queue to start strumming his guitar to the start of the song.

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes, and it's the only thing that I know," he started soft but it sounded amazing. Now I felt all the nerve coming all the way up again as I start to sing my part. The pressure is on me right now. Everyone is staring at me.

At the chorus, I did not expect what happened next, he held my hand. He already let go of his guitar and let the minus one do the magic.

"So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans, holding me closer to your heartbeat, you won't ever be alone,"

He turned me to face him and everyone disappeared, it was just us on that stage. We were on our own little world.


Right at the middle of the song, the chorus, right after let go of my guitar, I held her hand and I felt sparks. But when I turned her to face me, all I could see was her, everyone disappeared. We were on our own little world. Nothing could beat this feeling. And not to mention, she sounds so amazing I could listen to it, endlessly.

That moment, I have realized and admitted to myself that I like her, I really do like her, she's not like the other girls.


Everyone clapped for us, so we just smiled, while still holding hands, we exited the stage and I squeled the moment we reached the backstage. I wish Mum saw it tho. She would have been proud.

"Oh my god, we did it, I can't believe we actually did it, and they loved us," I was so excited at that moment and I can see Ethan was happy for me too.

"See? You did amazing, you were amazing in singing," he exclaimed.

"No, it was you," I said as we walked to our families. But to our surprise, our families are getting along. Our dads are talking as well as Kiara and the twins. We walked up to them and we were greeted with hugs. Dad kissed me in the forehead, "I'm so proud of you, princess," he remarked.

"Thanks dad,"

"So we I was just talking with Ryan and we think it's a good idea to have dinner together, is that okay with you?" Dad asked and Ryan, Ethan's dad, nod in agreement and to ask for everyone's suggestions.

"Yes, please, mum, we miss Monique, and we will still play with Kiara,"

"Yea, let's go," so we all decided to eat in a restaurant nearby, so we rode our own cars and just meet there. We sat in a big table set up for us, Ethan at my right and Tahlia on the left. We ordered the food already and while waiting, we just chitchatted with each other.

"So, Monique, I wanted to meet you since last week and because the girls and especially Ethan talks about me nonstop," does he really talk about me?

"There's nothing really interesting in my life Mr. Karpathy,"

"But they seem to have a lot of things to say about you and please, just call me Ryan,"

And the conversations went on and on until our food came, we all ate in silence but as we finished our meals, we all resumed to our topics. Except for Ethan who seem to be quiet,  staring at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked him.

"Huh?-uh, no,"

"Then why are you staring at me?"

"No actually, you really look beautiful tonight and I've never seen you this happy before," did he just complimented me again? I felt a hot wave warming my face and I just looked down. But I agree with his last statement, I've never been this genuinely happy before.

"Thank you, Ethan"

For a while, I forgot what keeps me sad and anxious but I just wanna live at the moment. Enjoying this time given to me.


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