Shattered Dreams

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The disturbed moment when you're on a school trip with the people who you dislike the most. There is always the annoying one, the one that acts like an ass and there's her. The girl that think she's pretty. The girl that thinks everybody likes her. She's not a brainiac neither is she a total dumb blonde. She's in the middle. She's the girl who makes everybody's mind boggle. Her name..... Tess.

Well what can I say. Tess is the girl that knows it all. The facts, the gossip and the way to trap boys in her bottomless pit of fury. I know that sounds ridiculous but she does sound like that. Tess is a player and currently she's playing an innocent, blur jock named Jake. He's not such a bright lightbulb. He's the quarterback for the football team. What do you expect , the popular queen wannabe dates the popular dumb jock! That's the way it is.

Anyways back to the story. So there I was in the front seat of the bus with my two best friends in the whole wide world, Sabrina and Gabrielle when I saw the grossest thing ever Tess and Jake making out! (With tongue) But... thats not even the bad part, they were making out in front of Sabrina which happens to like Jake. They are the world to me and if anything happened to them the person who caused their pain WILL suffer.

Tess is the typical A-class b*tch yet everybody worships her. Her clothing is skimpy and her hair is like a hooker from boulevard strip. I heard that her b*tchiness comes from her insecurities of her family. Her dad and mom are constantly on the move from city to city, meeting to meeting. She doesn't get enough attention from her parents. From this, being the popular one fulfills the need of attention.

4 more hours on this stinking bus. Nothing to talk about and nobody to talk to. Most students are either sleeping, cuddling or playing on their iPods or iPads. Me, I like old-fashioned reading. The 'couple', well they're still making out. Don't their lips get to wet and maybe their breathe start to become stinky. Like really, ew..... I will NEVER fall in love, make out and cuddle. That just doesn't sound like me.

"We're here!"

Finally. I was about to die of boredom and a mixture of disturbing images. I got the bus, finding that Tess was glaring at me. TESS-GLARING- that's not good. The names of partners were pinned to the notice board in the lobby of the hotel. I tried to find my name in the herd if hyenas when I did. Name: John. Partner: Jake. JAKE!!! Out of all the people in the world I'm stuck with the stupid playboy. Just kill me now.

We walk to the room in silence. Pin drop silence until.... she walked in. A conversation started to begin between me and him when she said the most annoying pick-up line ever.

"Babes come to my room. I'm bored"

And he replied like a startled fool " Coming love" 

There goes the ice breaking session.

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