chapter 4

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It's hard to believe that six months have passed since I received my promise mark. It still blows my mind to think of it. Guarding Lissa feels completely natural to me. Not that I've already been doing it all my life or anything... Lissa, Christian, Adrian and I all moved to the court last weekend. We all have our own apartments in the same wing. They are decked out with the most luxurious décor I could imagine. Apparently they're not even that fancy. Lissa says she has seen better. But for those of us that aren't royal this feels divine! Apparently each room has a colour scheme. Mine is blue. Everything from the lavish queen sized bed and walk in closet to the mini kitchen, living area with flat screen TV, and bathroom with Jacuzzi tub are all covered in airy shades of beach blues and whites.

We spent the past week getting settled, exploring, locating the nearest café, and for me, training in the a-maz-ing gym. Lissa and Christian are to start university soon, and hopefully I can attend with them to guard Lissa.

A sharp knock on my door jolts me out of my thoughts and bed for that matter too. "One moment" I yell dashing around my room trying to put something more presentable on than my PJs. Finally I manage to locate a pair of dark jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. My new closet is massive! I end up forgetting where I put things. I finally make it to the door and pry it open a crack.

"Hi" I say breathlessly finding myself face to face with the one and only devilishly handsome Adrian.

"Hey little dhampir, what were you doing in there to keep me waiting so long?" Adrian asks waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

My breath catches in my throat while I take in his appearance. He looks handsome in his dark slacks and green dress shirt. His attitude gives him an air of cool; he smells of cloves and his cologne. It's intoxicating – deadly. I pull back a little before I do something stupid and open the door further giving us more space.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I tease him pulling out my Hathaway sass. We laugh and trade witty quips.

"Is there something you wanted?" I ask after a while it is my day off. Not that I mind his company...

"The queen requires an audience with us momentarily. I have come to escort you my lady" Adrian says sinking into a deep bow.

"Such the gentleman" I tease. He just laughs, eyes sparkling.

I offer him my hand. "Lead the way oh gentle sir!" He drops a kiss on the back of my hand before leading me around the court to the queen's quarters.

I pretend to not notice the sudden race in my pulse.

After several moments we are led into her office. It is everything you'd expect a queen's office to be. Lavish with crystal chandlers hanging from the ceiling, a fire place crackling merrily in the corner. Everything enveloped in gold and ruby colours. It's honestly a bit much to take in. I guess when you're the queen you get a stately office to prove it.

"Ah yes, Adrian and Guardian Hathaway, glad you made it."

"Your highness" I nod.

"I have some news for the both of you. As you know princess Vasilisa and Christian Ozera are attending college this upcoming week. I cannot allow you to go with them Guardian Hathaway."

"What!?" I yell. "You can't do that! Lissa is my charge and I am her guardian! We have a bond! You can't separate us!" Red colours my vision. Somewhere behind me Adrian laughs. How dare she! Who does she think she is? The queen? ...oh, nevermind.

"Actually, I can and I will. You are no longer her guardian. The princess is under the utmost supervision all of the time and will not be spending much time outside of the wards at all. Therefore there is no need to waste the best talent on someone who is not going to need it." She states simply. I scowl. I think there's a compliment in there somewhere...

"Guardian Hathaway you are the youngest and one of the best guardians of your age. It is only fitting that you be put into the most intensive training. I want you to train with the best of the best guardians on whatever schedule they see fit. You will also have a new charge. He is reckless and a danger to himself and others which is why we need your skill set here. You are also of similar age so you two should get along well if you don't already. That is why I am reassigning you to my nephew Adrian Ivashkov." Tatiana beams.

Is she for real? I ask myself. As if I didn't know who Adrian was. I refrain from rolling my eyes. Opening my mouth to protest she cuts me off.

"This is final Rose. You either accept or you shall have to find work elsewhere." The queen snaps.

"I was only going to say I accept your offer." I say defensively.

"Good! Good! If Vasilisa ever needs your assistance you are welcome to go to her. But only in special emergencies through which your bond will alert you, I'm sure."

I nod eyes averted to avoid Adrian's heavy gaze.

"Thank you two for your time." Tatiana chirps sweetly.


I stroll out of her office Adrian in my wake.

"You know what this means?" He taunts me.


"We are going to be spending a lot of time together" I groan at his suggestive tone.

"Oh come on Rose, any girl would envy your position! You get to spend all your free time with yours truly!" His teasing continues the entire walk back to our apartments.

I tune him out. Fighting back the massive headache triggered by Lissa's extremely explosive emotions thanks to her healing me earlier.


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