Chapter 10

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Anna's goo goo eyes make me want to vomit. Or punch something.

"What is she doing here?" Anna demands. Adrian's head whips around so fast I'm surprise he doesn't get whiplash.

"Rose!" I cross the bar to stand next to them.

"Adrian –"

"That is Lord Ivashkov to you" Anna snarls flexing her perfectly manicured hand.

"Adrian" I start again "I –"

There's a loud crack. A sting of pain. My brain doesn't even register what happened. My fists fly up. Guardian training kicks in. Two strong hands grab my wrists to restrain me.

"She slapped me!" I yell. "Let me go!" Adrian just clutches my wrists tighter.

"You little bitch!" I hear her say "How dare you speak his name with your filthy little lips. You blood whore. Learn your lesson you address him as Lord Ivashkov. Show some respect." Annabel snarls.

"You do not talk to Guardian Hathaway like that." Adrian says icily. His concerned eyes meet mine to be sure I won't tear her hair out. I nod softly. He drops my wrists. Anger blazes in Adrian's emerald eyes setting them alight with a fierce force I have never seen before.

"She is my guardian" He spoke with extra emphasis on the 'my' "and she will call me Adrian or whatever else she might want to should she see fit." A smug grin fights its way onto my face.

Anna simply huffs and sips her cocktail.

"Adrian, your Aunt wanted me to tell you to clean up for dinner which is in 10 but considering 10 minutes has come and gone we're probably late." I say decisively.

"Better late than never" Adrian replies.

Dinner was... in a word... horrible. The food was great. But for the entire meal all the guardians myself included were mandated to stand away from the table and face the wall like we are some sort of Victorian slaves! Then of course my stomach has to rumble (loudly at that). And of course Adrian has to hear it. So an argument broke out when Adrian went to get me a seat at the table. It turns out the Asher's really dislike guardians. Eventually dinner resolves itself with me sitting next to Adrian tucking in to the delicious dinner and earning vehement scowls from Anna because of me and the Queen because of Anna.

Thankfully the guest wing is in the entirely opposite direction of Adrian's and my apartments. We make it to Adrian's room. Just barely.

"Roooseee" he slurs. "Rooooseee coomee shower with me!" he yells.

"I think you had too much tequila" I counter guiding him to his bed.

"Roooseee. Roossseeee you're sooo beautiful Rose. Let me make you minee"

I push him back onto the covers and start removing his tie. Getting him out of the suit is a struggle. At last I work off his shoes, socks, and trousers.

"Roooose! Trying to undreesss me soooo you can have you're wicked ways with me?" Adrian's eyes brim with lust even in his drunken haze.

My breath catches. God. Adrian looks so good, his offer is tempting. His muscular body clad in nothing but red silk boxers. Red silk! My body quivers at the thought. No. I won't be another notch on his bedpost.

"Muuch better" He whimpers. "Rose... my head hurts. Why are you spinning?"

I grab him some water and a painkiller. "Here" I say soothingly as possible. "Here take this. It'll help."

He nods softly. "Now go to bed. I'll sleep on the couch so I can check on you okay?"

"mmkk." Adrian whispers.

I roll him into bed, wrapping the covers around him. I settle into the couch and try desperately to think of anything other than Adrian and his red silk boxers. God. Of course they were silk. What else would Adrian wear?

"Gudnight Rose. Love you" he murmurs softly. It's the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.

The morning comes quickly. Too quickly. I check on Adrian and scribble him a quick note leaving it and the Advil on the nightstand with some water. Early morning training sessions are exactly what I need to clear my head.

"FOCUS HATHAWAY!" Jonathan bellows at me.

I let out a cry of frustration and take yet another blow to the ribs. For the life of me I can't focus. All I can think about is Adrian and his stupid drunken I love you.

I jab right with more force than intended and set myself off balance. Hands catch me and send me flying down towards the mats.

Ugh. I groan. "I said focus." Jonathan says smugly. I heave myself up off my back.

"Laps Hathaway!" He barks. "You know better than to bring that" he gestures violently to the gym doors "in here".

Four hours and buckets of sweat later I finally mastered the new moves Jonathan was showing me. The laps really cleared my head. After that I couldn't get enough of the sparring. The feeling of the blood and adrenaline coursing through my veins is such a high.

I check my cellphone after hitting the showers to see 5 angry texts from Adrian. "Where are you? Where did you go? Rose Save me! DAMNIT ROSE WHERE ARE YOU? SHES DRIVING ME INSANE SEND HELP!"

Laughter bubbled from my lips as I set off in search of Adrian and Annabel. I grab some loose bandages from my gear bag and wrap them around my knuckles. Jonathan insists on practicing with bare hands always saying something about how there's no second chances or squishy gloves out in the real world.

"So I called her a little blood whore!" Anna's golden laugh tinkled through the open door. "I know right! Some people just don't know their place."

I shove the door to Adrian's suite open gruffly to be greeted with the sight of Anna talking on a glittery pink phone and an extremely distraught Adrian.


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