Chapter 15

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"We need to get out of the open." I cut across forcing myself to focus on getting the words out. Adrian is all that matters focus on your duty, I tell myself. Adrian says nothing but seizes Anna's wrist and tugs her along behind him. I gesture to a small storage shed just across around the corner. With every step I take, James' broken face flashes before my eyes. Too late, I was too late. He died because I didn't get there on time. I walk through the storage shed, checking over the boxes of clothing and shoes. I make sure it's empty and strigoi free before signaling to Adrian to come in. Another thought grips me with the icy claws of fear. What if that was Adrian, what if I had failed him too? I feel sick. Shame washes over me and I fix my gaze on the ground. Anna is still outside on her phone. Every second she wastes is a second that leaves us vulnerable.

"Rose?" Adrian asks, his face cast in shadow from within the shed, save for only a small sliver of light from the open door.

"What?" I respond, gazing into his concerned eyes. He leans against a stack of boxes, arms crossed against his chest. Something unreadable marks his face.

"Rose, you're hurt" Adrian says his voice crackling with worry. My gaze slips to the large red stain on his shirt, so dark I almost missed it in the darkness. I blanch. It couldn't be that bad could it? In that moment the blood loss hits me hard and the world sways before me. My earlier adrenaline wears off and I'm left with a searing pain in my side.

"I-I'm fine, Adrian" I mumble not even believing myself in that moment. He gapes at me disbelieving from his perch against the boxes

The clicking of heels alerts me to Anna's presence and I force myself to straighten a little more. I find myself praying to every divinity that she brought help. Strigoi usually travel in packs... if that holds true, we're going to need it.

I open my mouth to begin but her shoulder jams into mine causing me to stumble. Her elbow drives into the slice down my side, ripping it further open.

The pain is blinding, I can't even summon a curse to my lips. Stars dance before me, my ribcage stutters as I try to breathe. White hot flames lick my side. I black out. The pavement rushes up to meet me. I brace for impact but it never comes. Two strong arms catch me in their embrace and gently lower me to the ground. Adrian. How did he even get here that fast?

"Rose" I hear him say, his voice is fading fast "Rose, stay with me, I can't lose you too".

It feels as though I'm swimming through deep water, I can barely move my eyelids. "Just leave her, she'll be fine in a minute" Anna's voice echoes from somewhere far off. I want to fight, to call her a goddamned bitch but the words don't come. My head throbs, the pain pulsating in time with my wound. Make it stop. Please just make it stop. It's too much. I can't handle it! I writhe as the flaming tendrils of pain scorch through me to a startling crescendo. Then it stops. Horrible silence compared to the pain. Emptiness fills me, an odd sort of peace too. This is what dying feels like. I know it now. A final breath shudders through my lungs, and I smile. At least I died protecting the one I love. The blackness consumes me.


Warmth shoots through my veins, the smell of roses and tastes of sugar and sunshine. The sensation is familiar, yet different. The intoxicating scent of clove cigarettes and a familiar musky cologne fills me. Everything tingles. Butterflies flutter deep within my core. They spread out feathering light kisses all across my abdomen and forehead. Somewhere a voice whispers at the corners of my mind, Adrian,

"Rose is in red,

but never blue,

sharp as a thorn,

and fights like one too.

Keep fighting my little dhampir, please don't give up on me now"

Blood rushes through my veins and the tingles intensify. The comforting scent of Adrian draws me to him. I reach for it with all my might. My eyelids peel back. I blink. Breath heaves through my chest in large gasps. In the half lit darkness Adrian caresses my face. His emerald orbs glitter at me, his lips drawn in awe and surprise.

"A-Adrian?" I whisper reaching up to stroke his jaw. If this is heaven I don't ever want to leave.

"Rose" He chokes out brokenly, tears trickle down his face. I brush them away with my thumb, savoring in the softness of his skin. "I thought you were dead" Adrian says his voice cracking, eyes wide in wonder as he kneels next to me. His hands rest on my hips sending electric flutters deep within.

"Aren't I?" I question stupidly and promptly sit up, feeling for where the gash in my side should be. Then it hits me.

" saved me" I state my voice trembling in awe. "Spirit" I whisper my heart swelling.

"Spirit" Adrian replies with a joyous grin "I can't believe it worked!" He pulls me to him, tucking me possessively into his arms. "Oh Rose, I thought I lost you, I thought I lost you forever" he murmurs fingers trailing through my hair.

"I love you" I breathe into his neck.

"What?" Adrian asks still stroking my hair.

"Thank you, I thought I lost you too" I say instead, burying my face further into his chest to hide my blush. His arms tighten around me, refusing to let me go.

"Oh my Rose" Adrian says tenderly, his hands slide down to grasp my hips. My breath hitches. "Look at me" He commands, pulling me back, hands still planted firm on my hips. I can't keep the wonder off my face. "I would do anything for you Rose, anything. You're my Rose, and I take you thorns and all." His seductive voice takes on a new possessive tone, thrilling me to my core. Adrian's fingers dig deeper into my hips as if to never let me go. Without a moment's hesitation his lips press onto mine. A heartbeat later they're gone. He's gone.


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