Chapter 8

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Something sharp connects with my nose. I feel the crunch more than I hear it, blood spatters the mats. I groan. Jonathan kicks out rapidly his foot connecting with my abdomen over and over. I refuse to release my grip on him. "Just like Dimitri taught you" I tell myself. Breath floods my lungs. I deepen my breathing getting ready. I summon all my strength and with a sharp cry I heave Jonathan sending him flying over my shoulder and onto the mats in front of me. I pounce. Never hesitate Roza. I pin him down, my legs scream as they fight for control with Jonathan. My fist connects with his jaw. I strike again hitting his solar plexus. The breath zooms from his lips. I know I've hit my mark. It's now or never. I grab for my practice stake and go for the kill.

"Dead" I pant out.

Jonathan just grunts.

"How do you like my perfectly formed ass now?" I tease.

Laughter erupts from his lips. "Much better if it'd get off my chest." He wheezes out.

I stand up, extending my hand to help him up. His fingers brush mine.

I'm soaring through the air, it whistles past my ears. My back smacks the mats. My entire body sears in pain. Damn it.

Jonathan's laughter reaches my ears. I blink to clear the black spots from my vision.

"It's not over until I say it's over. Arrogance is a fool's mistake." He chides me. He looks pretty arrogant himself standing there gloating. Hypocrite.

I push myself up. The world spins. I must have hit my head harder than I thought.

"Very good Rose" Jonathan says, golden eyes alight from the fight. "It seems though, that you rely too heavily on your training and too little on your instincts. We will have to work on that."

I nod. "You may go. Go get your head checked out. I can tell you're a little disoriented."

I sigh. "Practice tomorrow morning, 6 am sharp" Jonathan calls after me, but my feet are already leading me towards my bag.

"See you then Comrade" I call, hoisting my bag. It feels a lot heavier than when I left it there.

I pop some painkillers and meander through the halls towards the medical wing. The bond pulls at me. Lissa wants my attention. Stupid one way bond. I set course for a new location. The head can wait.

"Rose!" Lissa exclaims when she sees me.

"Hey Lis" I smile. Lissa looks every bit the Dragomir princess she is, her golden hair swept back into a neat bun, her silk lavender dress sitting regally on her delicate frame.

"You're leaving today aren't you?" I ask. My heart feels heavy.

"I'm going to miss you Rose." She pulls me in for another embrace. The two of us have always been together. We haven't been separated since birth. Being without Lissa will be like living without daylight. I pull her closer.

"You'll visit right?" I ask tentatively.

"Of course!" Lissa exclaims. "On weekends, and holidays, and vacations."

I sigh softly. It'll have to do.

"Oh!" Lissa adds, "I'll be in for the quarterly ball in a month!"

I grin, "okay! Well, you are going to be my date for that!" I joke.

"I'm sure Christian will understand." She agrees.

"Rose, don't forget, I'll still be up here" Lissa says gently, tapping my temple with her finger.

"You're right! You can send me messages anytime!" I chirp. "Just keep your sex life out of my head. I don't need to see what flame boy junior looks like anymore!"

A crimson blush colours her cheeks. "Have fun Liss" I say, "And make sure to wear protection! Or you're naming it after Auntie Rose!"

Lissa scowls her blush worsening. "Oh Rose what am I going to do without you." Our laughter fills the empty hall.

"Everyone else is in the SUV, I better get going." Lissa says softly, her voice cracking.

"Oh Liss! Don't cry! I'll see you soon! I promise! Now go out and go learn cool things! Make sure to tell me all about it!"

She flashes me a watery smile. "Keep your eyes out for some hot boys for me!" I tease. Lissa grins. "Of course I will!"

We say our final goodbyes. All too soon I am alone in the empty entrance hall.

"Hey little dhampir" Adrian enters, saying slightly. He reeks of alcohol.

"Adrian, what happened?" I demand.

"Had a nice little meeting with my Auntie" He slurs.

His clumsy hands find my face, examining my broken nose with great intent. "Roosseee, You need a doctor."

"That's where I'm headed Adrian." I snap.

Something flashes in his emerald eyes. Hurt. I soften my voice.

"Hey, you can come if you like – I mean if you can walk."

He fixes me with one of his Adrian stares. "Rossee, I've only had seven shots of Vodka, of course I can walk. It's ten when you need to start worrying."

I grimace. He puts his arm around me. The smell of his cologne and the vodka are intoxicating. I pull away slowly.

"Adrian dear, as much as I love having boys falling all over me, I'm quite sore, had a good workout today if you know what I mean." I tease.

"You and men that are too old for you..."

"Hey this one was only 24" I joke.

We make our way to the medical wing; Adrian walks pretty well for someone who's had seven shots of Vodka. And that's only the ones he was counting. They clear me with no concussion and put some tape on my nose. They send me home with a recommendation to take it easy and sleep it off. I think they just wanted Adrian out. He wouldn't stop pestering them.

I lead us to my apartment. "Come on Adrian, let's get you some food and sober you up."

I head over to the stove to boil water for noodles.


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