chapter 12

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"What were you doing?" I look up and find myself faced with a pair of inquisitive emerald eyes.

"Adrian. Hi..." I trail off cringing at the awkward tension and close the file folder from Tatiana.

"What are those? And why were you in there with her" He demands eyes flashing with something akin to suspicion.

"Uh – Guardian specs." I improvise and force a smirk onto my face. "And you and Annabel are going on a shopping trip tomorrow." I add in with haste. "Why are you dressed up so ... dapper?" Dapper. Dapper? That's the best I could come up with? Well... handsome would be too close to the truth.

"Oh come on Rose, you know I always look this handsome" Adrian laughs. I roll my eyes. "Come on. There's something I want to show you." He takes my hand and leads me down the corridor.

"Adrian" I protest but he continues to half drag me back to our apartments.

"Shh Rose I only have a few minutes before Anna will come looking for me." Adrian responds unlocking his apartment door. We stop in the center of the room. The scent of alcohol and cigarettes waft off his crisp, pressed shirt. So much for him staying clean eh? I want to strangle Tatiana for doing this to him.

"Wait here and close your eyes" He tells me, his voice seductive. I indulge him and close my eyes. I hear him rustle around somewhere in his bedroom. My heart skips, ricocheting in my chest. What could he possibly want to show me... a gift for Anna? My heart sinks. God Adrian. The suspense is killer. Not to mention I have to go read and burn the file Tatiana gave me...

"Ok, ok I got it! Keep your eyes shut!" Adrian calls. I hear him draw nearer, his scent intoxicating.

"Adrian what are you-? I start confused.

"Open it" he cuts me off. He tenderly places a slender box in my palm. I open my eyes to meet his. Pure joy and excitement radiates from his emerald orbs.

"I wanted to give it to you earlier but it wasn't quite ready" Adrian says, a gentle smile on his face. I can't quite remember how to function. ...A gift...for me...from I continue to stare at the ornate wrapping paper and it's delicate ribbon.

"Damnit Rose open it already" Adrian begs jolting me from my stupor. Worry lines crease his forehead, green eyes fraught with anxiety. I laugh, he can't really be that nervous can he?

"Okay okay! I'll open it! But it's so pretty I don't want to ruin it!" I tease watching him nearly growl in frustration. I slide my finger along the edges of the lavish paper and begin to unwrap the gift. Inside is a long black box. It's heavy. Whatever's inside must be really expensive... I pop the lid. Inside a delicate layer of red silk rests a glimmering silver stake. A blood red ruby rests in the top of the stake glittering in the light. Rose engravings etch along the sides of the silver and taper off into a lethal point. Tears rush to my eyes. I've never felt more loved.

"Adrian" I breathe my heart racing. "You shouldn't have!"

"Beautiful and dangerous, just like you" Adrian murmurs. His eyes are shining with happiness and something else I can't place. Without second thoughts I throw my arms around his neck and pull him into a tight hug. My heart races wildly and electricity sparks through my veins.

"I know your job is dangerous Rose. And I know you and Auntie are up to something" Adrian says; his hands combing through my hair. I squeeze him tighter.

"You're special to me Rose and I want you to be safe" Adrian continues, his breath tickling my neck.

"Thank you" I say into his chest fighting to hold back the tears of joy that threaten to overtake me.

Slowly we pull apart. I already miss his warmth. I pluck the stake out of its box twirling it around in my hand. It's light yet weighted – different than the guardian standard issue.

"It's not just pretty Rose, I had it engineered to be the strongest, most lethal stake in existence." Adrian says with a nonchalant smirk.

"What!?" I screech "that must have cost a fortune!" I glare at him. How could he?

"Only a small one!" Adrian teases back. His hand rests under my chin and tilts my head up so our eyes meet, my breath catches in my throat. "Only the best for my guardian!" Adrian adds softly.

"Adrian Ivashkov what am I going to do with you" I grumble aloud and stifle a laugh. I can't wait to see how it works in training tomorrow.

The morning comes far too early for my liking. The stake performs like a dream in practice, a masterpiece built by expert craftsmen. I couldn't fight the tingles creeping into my belly every time I held it. A gift for me, not for Anna, but for me, his guardian...

After a quick shower I dress in casual clothes donning black jeans, a red V-neck sweater and some knee boots. I tuck my new stake into my boot, and make my way downstairs to wait with Adrian in the lobby.

"Red really suits you my little dhampir" Adrian says with a roughish grin.

"Eyes to yourself Ivashkov" I say fighting a grin. His grin widens in response as his eyes rove my body.

"Were you waiting long?" a tinkling voice cuts across the hall, both our heads snap in its direction.

"Not at all, my lady" Adrian says though his tone speaks to the contrary.

"Oh good!" Anna says with a cheery smile, waltzing over to grasp Adrian's arm. "Let's be off then."

I glare at the swishing of her short lilac skirt and length of her delicate legs.

"Why did you have to bring this trash along with you?" Anna asks airily as if I'm not walking behind them. I bristle.

"Rose is not trash" Adrian says in a stiff voice throwing an apologetic glance in my direction. I scowl. "She is my guardian and where I go, she goes. If that's a problem, my lady, perhaps, we best end this engagement."

"That isn't what I meant at all!" Annabel says scrambling to salvage the conversation. Adrian sighs and tosses me a helpless look over his shoulder mouthing "Help me". I shrug in response and stifle a laugh at his pathetic expression.


The entire car ride is more of the same. I'm pretty sure I've worn a hole in my tongue from biting it so hard. For Adrian... just for now. Then I can mouth off all I want.

The stores drag on and on. The current one is full of beautiful lingerie in lace and silk, and every colour imaginable. My kind of store... I'll have to make a note to come back here sometime soon. I stifle a yawn.

"Rose did you drink your coffee this morning?" Adrian asks his tone light and teasing, seeming unfazed by our current store. Course He isn't fazed. Adrian must have seen his fair share of Moroi women in this kind of stuff. I suppress a shudder and I yawn again.

"No" I reply grumpily. He laughs in response. I glare at the back of Anna's caramel hair, thinking of the steaming mug long forgotten on my dining table.

"God if I get asked which colour of underwear look better on her I swear I'm going to..." I grumble half-heartedly. Adrian cringes in response.

"I thought you liked shopping?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.


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