Chapter 7

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Rose (POV)

The setting sun creeps through the windows casting long shadows across my apartment's living room. My hands search the couch only to come up empty. I sit up, blanket falling off me. I toss it onto the back of the sofa. The room is empty. Adrian must have left after I fell asleep. I wince, a chill setting into my skin. The empty apartment feels stark and empty. A sob is bubbling up in my throat, tears threaten to leak from my eyes. God when did I become so pathetic. It's just Adrian. Of course he leaves, of freaking course. Did I really think that he would stay for me? That I even meant anything more than a friend to him? No. To entertain that idea would be naïve. Dimitri taught me that lesson long ago. I just didn't listen. I make my way to the shower and crank up the hot water. The scalding water burns my skin turning it pink. I scrub myself thoroughly ridding myself of any feelings of sorrow. I turn the water off and step out into the cool bathroom, skin still pink from the scalding water. I slather myself in my favourite lotion and throw on my workout gear. That's when I hear it - a rustling in the living area of my apartment. No one has the key to my apartment but me. My hand glides along the smooth granite countertop searching for something to be used as a weapon. My eyes never leave the door. My fingers clasp on to something. A pen? When did this get here? I pull the cap off and hold it like a stake. I slowly turn the handle of the door. It opens silently. Thank god the court oils their doors. Now's my chance, I spring out of the door silent as a cat.

"Adrian?!" I yelp dropping the pen. There he is: one Adrian Ivashkov bent over my coffee table with a bag and coffee cup in his hands.

"Rose" He greets, oblivious to my almost attack.

"Adrian, you gave me a heart attack!" I nearly shout.

"Rose, did you just shower?" Adrian asks, green eyes sparkling with laughter. Subconsciously one hand snakes its way up to my hair to assess the damage.

I just glare at him. "Oh come here little dhampir" he beckons. He looks more dishevelled than usual.

"Adrian what happened to you?! Did you go out!? You're not supposed to go anywhere without me on duty!"

He simply stands and wraps his arm around my waist, guiding me to the sofa. "Sit" He says, then heads to the bathroom and returns with a comb. "You had a long night Rose, I got you breakfast" Adrian gestures to the coffee and bag on the table.

I open it up. "My favourite! How did you know? Mmm and is this vanilla?" I ask taking a sip of the latte. "Adrian you're the best!"

"I know Rose, I know" he teases and starts combing out my hair. I sigh softly and relax into his touch.

"Unless looking ruggedly handsome is your new style you have some explaining to do." The comb pauses briefly in my hair, I can sense his hesitation.

"Lissa" He says softly, the comb resuming its task.

"What do you mean?" I ask unable to keep the surprise out of my voice.

"I told her about your new assignment. Rose, when you said she'd be mad I didn't realize that was going to be the understatement of the century!" He sounds so scandalized. Laughter erupts from my lips.

"Rose it's not funny!" Adrian whines.

"I can't help it! Pretty, innocent, Lissa did this to you?" I gesture to his dishevelled demeanor.

"Yes" He glowers "You wouldn't believe what that woman keeps in her purse!" That sets off my hysterics again.

We chat a little longer, neither of us wanting to leave. Finally my training session comes around, and I have to leave.

"Adrian" I start tentatively before he leaves. He just looks at me. "How long have you been sober for?" I ask. It's been eating me with curiosity this whole time.

He smirks, "You noticed little dhampir, I'm trying something new." With that he traipses from my room. It feels as though the temperature dropped 10 degrees. I scurry around the apartment gathering my gear for training. I really cut it close this time. My feet dash out the door carrying me at warp speed to the gym (which just happens to be entire other side of the court from me), I guess running all those laps with Dimitri really paid off. The court gym is pristine; it looks brand new, as if it's never been used. It has a very modern feel with a pallet of white, black, and steel. I drop my bag near the sideline benches and head over to the track to do some warm-up laps. I run over my usual routine with Dimitri in my mind, trying to keep it occupied. I wonder who this new trainer is... Hopefully they're just as nice or good looking as Dimitri. Some nice eye candy always makes training less painful.

The sound of a clearing throat jars me from my thoughts. I screech to a halt, sneakers skidding.

"Rose Hathaway" I state "Sir" I add as an afterthought, heading over to the sparring mats to meet who presumably is my new trainer.

"Ah yes Rose" he says with a mischievous grin, "I've heard lots about you."

"Only good things then" I tease. He looks nice... yeah, understatement of the century. He has a short mop of sandy blonde curly hair and golden eyes to match. His jaw is strong and chiseled, he looks like some sort of Greek god. Oh god, I sure lucked out with this one.

He raises his eyebrow at me. Oh god, I'm probably drooling aren't I?

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I caught your name." I say gazing at him from under my lashes.

"Jonathan, Jonathan Christopher." He beams at me. "Right now. Let's get to work!"

I freeze catching sight of his maniacal grin. Oh god. I'm dead. I am so not making it out of this training alive...

"Let's see what good old Belikov taught you back at the academy" Jonathan grins.

"Come at me" He commands.

"I don't just throw myself at hot boys you know" I remark; then grimace. I can't believe I said that.

"I think you'll find my charm irresistible" I gape at him. "Come on Hathaway, move your ass or I'm going to have to come move it for you!"

I shake my head and lunge at him. He grabs my arm and flips me onto the mat.

I grunt, springing up with vengeance. We spar. I get in some good kicks here and there. His defences are impeccable. I've hit the mat more times than I can count by now. I get up again and lunge at him leaving myself wide open - baiting him. Come on! Come on! Take the bait... I mutter to myself. You know you want to... Jonathans caramel eyes narrow. He lunges reaching for me. Yes! I cry and grab as much of him as I can. We spin around together momentum carrying us.

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