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(Nagumo POV)

I banged my head on the wall. Suzuno Fuusuke, along with the entire Diamond Dust team, has just set off to battle Raimon. Dang. If they ever won or what, they will take the title of the Genesis. I sighed. My team, Prominence should have followed them. Yet, everyone was nowhere to be seen. All I can do is sit on the bed and pray they lose. 

I despise Suzuno. He was always so annoying in this "cool and calm" way. It irritates me. That I could endure. Worse of all, out of all people, he was the captain of a Diamond Dust. I mean, if he wasn't in Diamond Dust, but rather something else, we might just get along better.

People call us the complete opposites of each other. That I couldn't argue. I guess that's also why he irritates me that much. Because he is everything that I am not. Therefore, even if we were somewhere along the line of a same team, I doubt that we would be on friendly terms. We would never get along due to our "differences".

I remembered Midorikawa. He had told me this phrase of "opposites attract". Yet, I doubt that it was the phrase suitable for me and Suzuno. I mean, I wasn't even what you'd call "homo". And plus, how would someone so annoying and irritating attract me? 

A slight blush crept up my cheeks.

(Suzuno POV)

I sighed. I, along with the entire Diamond Dust team, has just went over to defeat Raimon and put an end to their struggle against us. Yet, some kami-dere that has been defeated by Raimon themselves decided to join them, and even scored past us. The worst, even my Northern Impact has been saved. 

No, that wasn't the worst. The worst was Nagumo. He possibly has figured out that I left for Raimon already. I wonder what would he feel if he ever known that all we got back was a draw. Possibly happy. Maybe he'll stick it in my face and brag how Prominence would have already defeated them. 

Great. That'll be the 100th reason why I hated Nagumo so much. He was always so annoying. Bashful. Arrogant. He doesn't even know how to barely respect people. My phone rang. I saw the caller number and sighed. 

"What do you want from me?" I asked, uninterested. "Ice princess! Did you manage to defeat them?" Came a loud voice from the other side. "Shut up, Nagumo," I told him. "So you didn't manage to defeat them? Prominence would never have..." I hung up the phone. That, and the nickname. "Ice princess". He makes it just to tease me.

Yet, I understand why he hates me. We are totally different. Constantly bickering non-stop even when we were still kids. Now that we were the captains of two rival teams, the situation has just got worse now. We became despised of each other. 

Humans have a phrase that goes like this: "opposites attract". At least I know that this doesn't apply for me and Nagumo. Don't talk about the "homo" part. Even if we were the opposite gender and wasn't on the rival teams, there was no way that we would be attracted to each other.

I felt my heart beat faster and faster.

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