Next-door neighbours?

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I usually ad-lib and improvise when writing my story, but this chapter and the next is the first one where I have an idea of what I'll be writing. This idea was going to be for a smut oneshot, mind you, so therefore.... reader discretion is advised.

(Suzuno P.O.V)

Being called by father into a special meeting... this definitely sounds special for me. Usually, we have meetings once per month with everyone. Calling me into a special meeting...

Is he going to give me the title of Genesis?

My heart skipped a beat. Did he finally recognise my efforts and my contributions to Aliea? Did he finally agree that I'm superior to Hiroto and Nagumo?

"Well, look who's here,"

Him again? I swear, this is the millionth time he shows up in the places that I wouldn't want him to show up in!

"So father called you too, I suppose," I tried to act cool and calm, like nothing was wrong.

"Don't worry, I'm as disappointed as you are to find out that this wasn't a solo meeting," he smirked.

(Nagumo P.O.V)

Suzuno? Him too? And I thought Prominence would be given the title of Genesis! And why him of all people?

I mean, I didn't really want to particularly encounter him since yesterday night... I was only going to ask him whether he's heard some drilling sounds, and he stuffed.. well.. some liquid in my face... Which just makes the entire situation a lot more awkward!

(??? P.O.V)

Father finally walked in the room, where Burn and Gazel are waiting. Brilliant, brilliant, my plan is hatching out perfectly. I looked from a corner. I spent the entirety of last night preparing, so this better pay off.

I'm sure the affection is present, though. I could see it in them. Now all I need is for them to fall into the perfect plan I have...

"Burn.. Gazel... in order to enhance the competition and make you stronger, you two and gran will be living in a separate aisle, so you can train yourselves with each other as a target. Gran has already accepted this proposal, so I won't take no as an answer."


Of course, I was the one who made this proposal in the first place. Thank god that father bought this idea and believed that it will make them stronger. Well, I'm sure something else will be stronger though..

(Suzuno P.O.V)

Sleeping with Nagumo next door? And I thought on the opposite corridor was bad! I'll probably have him snoring or something next door. I've heard him snore before, and it sounds incredibly.. what's the word for it? Cute? No.. never. I packed the things in my room, and left my room.

To my despise, Nagumo was waiting outside.

"Nagumo? What are you doing here?"

(Nagumo P.O.V)

What am I doing here? I'm trying to resolve what happened last night!

"You know.. Suzuno.. about what happened last--" I blushed really hard, the image still fluttering in my mind.


"Ehh...Nothing.. I was just wondering if we should walk together to our new rooms. That's exactly what I was going to say."

No... I just couldn't talk to him like that. Why anyways though?

"Opposites attract"

No! Shut up, Midorikawa! There is no way I'll fall in love..

Fall in love with him...

(??? P.O.V.)

It seems like Burn is on the hook, but what can I do for Gazel to release his inner feelings?

"It does not matter whether the idea is old, as long as it is useful. Sometimes the most clíched ideas may work, you know."

"Mido-chan... Great idea! I'll do just that!" I exclaimed.

So that's how a rock ended up on their way to their new rooms. With Nagumo such distracted, he is bound to not look very carefully for hazards on the ground...

(Suzuno P.O.V)

I don't know how a rock got in our way to our new rooms, but I'm sure Nagumo didn't expect that either, because now he's on top of me, with his lips touching my lips.

His lips.. on my lips...

On my lips.....


Okay, so that's that. The next chapter should be up... around a day later? I've got that one planned too, so hopefully it won't be too sloppy. It'll probably still be fanservice though~~

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