Chakra Healing Pt. Two

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I am rooted firmly to this sacred ground.
In myself I feel whole.
I am needed. I have purpose.
I will manifest my ambitions every day.

The laying of stones is one of the traditional means of healing unbalanced chakras. For the root chakra, place your crystal or gemstone on the base of your spine and visualize the red petals of this energy center radiating throughout your lower body. See the petals of a red lotus spin clockwise- if that does not feel right, envision the petals spinning counter clockwise, until eventually the flower comes to rest.

At this point visualize bright, white light pouring into the center of the flower to connect the red lotus into the stream of your consciousness. Feel the lotus flow freely through your feet, legs, stomach, chest, arms, hands, all the way up to your head.

Know that when your root chakra is aligned and energized, nothing can derail you from your path. Use the following healing crystals: red jasper, carnelian, garnet, smoky quartz, obsidian (black), and onyx.

When selecting a crystal to use for healing your root chakra, choose one that feels right. If I have not listed it here, trust your intuition! Typically the rule of thumb is to use stones associated with grounding, or that are red or "earthy" (think rustic browns, greys, and black) in color.

In Sanskrit the name of the Sacral Chakra is Svadhisthana (meaning sweetness). The color ruling this energy center is spritely orange. This chakra rules our sexuality and creative side. Artists, writers, singers, and all people creative experiencing writer's block, or painful lulls in their creative spirits may suffer from an unbalanced Sacral Chakra.

In terms of addiction treatment, an overactive second chakra will foment overwhelming feelings, precipitating instances of self-medication. Obsessive attachment to people is common with an overactive Sacral Chakra, and may come with the tendency to manipulate others. Emotional dependency is another indication something may not be quite right in this energy center. An overall lack of enjoyment in life entirely and an inability to feel sexually fulfilled is common among those with imbalanced Sacral chakras.

An underactive second chakra manifests in social awkwardness, an unhealthy fear of intimacy, the absence of excitement, passion, or the self-inflicted denial of pleasure (whether that is physically or emotionally).

Healing the Sacral Chakra is essential to enjoy life again. You may feel empty without the use of your substance of choice- because you have grown an attachment and associating with being able to feel while under the influence- but balancing the second chakra can help you reclaim your sense of joy and pleasure in the smaller things in life, without perpetuating destructive habits. If you cannot derive joy from the people and things around you, who used to brim you with happiness- look to your sacral chakra as a possible cause.

The second chakra is the root of joy and emotional fulfillment, without this energy center in harmony, both internal and outer discord is guaranteed. As a result, many turn to the comforts of addictive substances to regain their sense of happiness and fulfillment- but these drugs take double that of which they "give." Learning how to live in harmony with the Sacral chakra is essential in learning to live again in joy. Being unable to express your inner feelings without suffering from guilt is a sign of an imbalance of the Sacral chakra- especially if your emotional outburst causes you to lash out on others, and you come to regret it later. Many respond to submerging themselves further and further into their shell, but this only serves to isolate them more- forcing the continuance of addiction. Learning how to connect with your emotions and express them openly is the best medicine for the second chakra.

In Further Dimensions of Healing Addiction Cunningham cites alcohol and amphetamine based substances as a result of an unbalanced Sacral chakra.

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