If you have yet to begin tracking your recovery to sobriety, take immediate heed to begin documenting your experiences. If you are not one for keeping a daily journal or diary, try to commit to recording your healing experiences once every week- just to check in on yourself. As you process in this transformative time in your life it is absolutely critical to be able to work out your thoughts and emotions on paper (or electronically). When we write we are able to tap into our subconscious. Our thoughts and feelings evolve, providing introspection and illumination of the aspects dwelling within in need of address. Where there is insecurity, the truth of the blight comes out in our summation of words, and by later reflection we are able to take formative action to overcome the hurdles presented to us on the long road of recovery. And if we cannot, we are able to present our self-findings during therapy for further insight.
Even if you have no intent of recording your recovery for publication into a memoir, consider recording your experiences for generations after you in your own family. Addiction is genetic, and there may come a time where your acumen from times of substance use and addiction may help your own loved ones triumph over the disease.
In respect of immediacy, journaling gives you an avenue of expression, and allows you to work out your thoughts and emotions you do not understand in therapy- or in a sit-down with your loved ones. The mind is continually whirling from the full spectrum of human emotions all the time. In our effort to pin them down, we may lose sight of a critical thought or revelation unless we record them to contemplate later. In going over our own dialog, we may discover hardened feeling we never consciously realized or admitted.
Akin to keeping a recovery journal for means of documenting the recovery process, recording aspects of your holistic recovery is essential in tracking what works and what does not. If you want to get the most out of any type of healing, recording what you have tried for which affliction and the results yielded over a period of time will help map out the best course of personal action going forward.
Recording insights from meditation are particularly useful, as you bring forth energies from other planes and deep from within yourself. You may also wish to record your progression through chakra healing or make notes of the impressions you feel from varied crystals.
If you are not quite fond of writing about your recovery experience, you may want to use your journal to record a bucket-list of sorts. Creating long-term and short term goals during recovery helps to keep us awakened to our path of healing, and does not allow us to become lazy for the want of an aspiration to strive for. When you construct goals, try to keep your ultimate goal in the forefront of your thoughts, and always shape your goals to be achievable through measurable means. Do not simply proclaim you wish to lose 50 pounds; that will not get you anywhere. Aim for lower, immediately achievable goals, like losing two pounds per week.
In terms of your recovery, you may pick up an additional hobby to prevent you from meandering down the brambles of relapse. Recording new adventures, heightened hopes, and aspirations for the future will help solidify your commitment to yourself and your recovery in the long run. Re-learn how to live without the anchor of addiction, you may make it a point to record things you are grateful for.
Scrapbooking forAddiction Recovery
Akin to journaling for recovery, scrapbooking is an enjoyable diversion from the troubles of the present. Scrapbooking allows us to transport ourselves out of our immediate concerns, whisking us to think nothing of the composition, color coordination, and construction of beautiful works of art. Engaging in scrapbooking allows people in recovery to immerse themselves in the things they love. Scrapbooking is not limited to simply documenting life's celebrations and transitional periods. You can construct an entire scrapbook around your favorite animal or hobby. You might consider creating an entire scrapbook with your favorite quotes, levels of achievement in rehabilitation, symbolic representations of aspirations for the future, and your family and loved ones who are guiding you through recovery. Scrapbooking heralds surprising psychological benefits, bolstering self-esteem, self-healing, and self-expression.
Holistic Healing for Addiction
EspiritualHolistic Healing for Addiction: Enlivening Body, Mind and Spirit to Remedy Depression, Anxiety and Self-Hate is a hands-on guide to combat substance use disorders, depression, anxiety, and self hate. Focusing on teaching holistic remedies for before...