Fire is our source of passion, motivation, and energy! Red is the ideal color to rouse the fire aspect into any space wanting for it. Long associated as a font of transformative energy, fire helps to progress things in motion, and serves as the fuel to burn ambitions and creativity forward into fruition. Too much of the fire element in your life may be dwindled with elements of wood. To invoke the spirts of fire, you may burn red candles and entreat their help to spur you towards your ultimate objectives. Carving a power word into a red candle and lighting it with the intention of attaining your goals will magnify the energies of fire threefold. (The same goes for the other elements with corresponding color associations.)
If you are feeling displaced in your part of the universe, it can be attributed to a lack of stabilizing Earth element in your home. To invite the restorative energies of Earth, cultivate an indoor (or outdoor garden); bring in stones, crystals, and pebbles to decorate your space with earthy hues. Ceramics and clay sculptures are beautiful ways to invite the spirit of Earth into your home.
Ground resolve and clarity with the Metal element when appropriate. Inviting the clarity of metal in your life will make your decision making pointed and improve your ability to make the decisions progressing your recovery forward. Metal will help prevent relapse, as it gives us the insight to understand our actions, and show us why we must relinquish thoughts and mannerisms that would stagnate us in our old, familiar ways maiming our ability to transform the characterizes no longer serving us.
Introduce the Metal element with like furnishings of chrome, silver, iron, and steel objects. Roundness is a marked characteristic of the Metal element. Some objects of consideration to include are: stress balls, brass furnishings, or a metal/brass motor and pestle.
When water is in equal balance in your life, you feel connected with the universe, and are in-tune with the energies and feelings of those around you. Water serves to connect us to our higher beings- yet too much of the water element will derail any attempts to make meaningful changes, as an influx of water energy predisposes us to flamboyancy in our decision making- vacillating wildly between wanting to recover, and returning to our destructive ways. Balancing water with Earth and Metal will help to bring the stability and clarity needed to dam up an excess of emotions- allowing clear thought.
Invite the elements of water with blue imagery, waterscapes, and images of merfolk, nymphs, water fairies, dragons, and other elementals associates with the seas, lakes, and rivers. You may rely on any form of mythology and represent the Goddesses and Gods of old.
Growth and progression are the main focuses of the Wood element. Akin to the tallest trees, wood serves to protect the interests of your personal growth and power. If you have issues committing to your resolve, entreating the wood element can help solidify your intentions and see endeavors all the way through. Additionally, establishing the wood energy helps the other aspects of the elements flourish, as Wood places you in direct command of your actions.
Invite the perspective of wood with- you guessed it- wood! Sculptures, beaded curtains, small trees, and attractive driftwood are ideal to represent the Wood energy.
Holistic Healing for Addiction
EspiritualHolistic Healing for Addiction: Enlivening Body, Mind and Spirit to Remedy Depression, Anxiety and Self-Hate is a hands-on guide to combat substance use disorders, depression, anxiety, and self hate. Focusing on teaching holistic remedies for before...