Chapter 3- At Least I Got My Fix!

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Chapter 3- At Least I Got My Fix!

Bailey's POV


I gripped the edge of the counter tightly, as I heard his footsteps come down the stairs. Arms found their way around my waist, and a deep glare etched onto my face. "Don't."

Harry chuckled, the vibration of his chest could be felt on my back. "Don't what?"

"Do that." I snapped, pushing his arms away from me.

Even though I wasn't facing him, I could tell he was rolling his eyes. "Jesus, Bailey. Just shut up, and come back to bed. It's early."

My mouth dropped, and I gasped. "Shut up? Your a dick!" I yelled, spinning around.

Harry let out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry, maybe that wasn't the right thing to say. Just come back to bed? We can have a little cudd-"

I cut him off, anger boiling inside of me. "That's all that your going to apologize for? Really Harry?"

"Well, what else is there to apologize-"

Again, I cut him off. I was becoming more and more furious by the second, and his nonchalant attitude wasn't helping. "Oh, I don't know! Maybe that you took advantage of me when I was drunk? Or maybe that you fucking killed a person! Not to mention that you probably went out and did it again, right?"

He looked equally as mad as me now, eyes getting darker. "I did not take advantage of you! Your my wife, I can fuck you whenever I want, and you don't have a say in it! And its not like we all haven't before! We've all killed, we are vampires in case you forgot! We're supposed to live off human blood, not our own. And yeah, maybe I did kill three more after! At least I got my fix."

I shoved him away from me, disgusted at the statement that had just left his mouth. "Fine, go ahead! Go drink more blood if your fine killing innocent people! They haven't done anything to you! They deserve to live just as much as we do! They aren't blood bags we can just pick up and empty when we're thirsty, that's not how it works. We found an alternate solution, and we can live happily off of it, but if you want to watch people die- Go ahead, go drain some more harmless people of their blood!" I shouted at him. My anger was over the top, I had reached my height along time ago. "Oh, and about your other statement, you know that one about me being your wife, and you having the right to fuck me whenever? If you want to keep that wife around, then maybe you should straighten yourself up, and act like a fucking man."

Harry stared at me, nothing coming out of his mouth.

I dropped my gaze from him once I heard my phone buzz from behind me. It was a text message.

From: Liam Payne :)

Hey, I got your message about Harry, I'm glad he's home. :) Sorry we didn't come back last night, we stayed at Eleanor's place. Everyone is fine. :D Also, you might want to check BBC News. :/

I slammed my phone back on the counter, and scowled at Harry. Oh, I couldn't wait to see what he had done. After walking into the living room, I turned on the TV, putting it at channel 4, and setting the remote back on the table. Harry followed me in, confusion etched on his face.

A news reporter in a black trench coat appeared on the screen, standing new to a small alley that was lined with Crime Scene tape. Red and blue lights flashed on and off from the side, and scattered police men walked around in the back.

"Hello there, I'm Oliver Davies reporting live to you from an Alley Way on Amwell St. Police are shocked to have found 3 identified bodies. Late last night, Ella Howard, Eve Kaur, and Scarlett Bradley were found in this alley way, dead."

The individual pictures of each girl took over the screen. Three beautiful girls lives were taken by my husband. Tears brewed in my eyes, and I tried my hardest to hold them down. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"All three of the girls were killed by a knife to the heart. Also two holes were found on their jugular vein. Could this be a sick serial killer that is on the loose, waiting to strike again? Tune in on BBC news tonight to find out. Once again, I'm Oliver Davies. Have a nice day."

I silently turned off the TV, and spun around to find Harry- Smirking?

"Oh I remember them, damn, they tasted good." He stated sickly. "Kind of reminds me of the I sucked your blood." He grinned.

I couldn't help it now. The tears streamed freely down my face. "H-how c-could you?" I sob.

I looked at the man in front of me, he sounded like Harry, and looked like Harry. But he didn't act like Harry. I wanted to believe that it wasn't the man I loved that had went and taken three peoples lives. But I couldn't. I was forced to look at him, his beautiful face, and acknowledge the fact that he was a killer. And he didn't care.

"Oh, Bailey. My sweet, sweet Bailey. It's not half as bad as what Niall did..." He said, irritatingly smug.

"W-what did Niall do?" I asked.

He chuckled darkly, and grabbed my hand, pulling me upstairs. "I'm not the only one with a craving for human blood." Harry led me into Niall's room, and pointed to the closet door. He walked over to it, pulling me along with him. After he opened the door and turned the light on, I gasped at what I saw-

"Niall?" The girl whispered. She had dark hair, and dark eyes. She was wearing just a hoodie of Niall's, and some spandex shorts.

"Meet Rhea. Niall's blood bag." Harry whispered.

The poor girl looked up at us, wide eyed. "I'm supposed to be a secret." She whispered, tears flooding in her eyes. Her hand reached up to her neck, and she covered the very visible holes in her skin.

I gasped, and slapped a hand over my mouth. "No." I whimpered.

"We're vampires, Bailey. We are made to drink human blood, not our own." He told me again. Harry stepped closer to me, and pulled me into his arms. "And don' bother with the divorce threats, baby. I created you, you can run, but you can't hide. Your mine, and no one else's. That's the way your going to stay. Got it?" He growled.

I nodded, not in the mood to argue with him. He closed the closet door and wrapped both arms around me, and gave me a lingering kiss on the head.

As comforting as his hugs were, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being held by a killer.

The answer to my previous question was obvious. Things weren't back to normal- and this wasn't my Harry.

A/N: OH HO! :o Drama in the Barry/Hailey house! ;) Which ship name do you guys like best? Comment below! :D What do you guys think of what Niall has been doing? 0.0 ~Lucia<3

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