Chapter 9- Cherry Is My Favourite Flavor...

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© All Rights Reserved To LuciaPayne_1D

Chapter 9-

Bailey's POV


I watched as Harry carried the last of the newly bought furniture downstairs, and reappeared seconds later.

"Our own place." He grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Just the two of us, we're going to have so much fun." Harry touched his nose to mine, and started to shake his head.

I forced the corners of my mouth to stay down, in an effort not to smile. Eskimo kisses are a weakness of mine, but I was determined not to appear as I had the last times. I was giving him what he wanted, I let this new Harry be a substitute as the old one for my sexual needs, and I didn't intend to give in again. "Yeah, so much fun." I replied.

Harry grinned, pulling back slightly. "Why is it that I'm sensing sarcasm?"  

I widened my eyes, and put a hand over top of my heart. "Sarcasm?" I gasped. "I assure you, I had no intent to show any sign disrespect or mockery towards you, oh great master!"

He laughed, his eyes showing no sign of joy whatsoever. "I'm going to let that one go." His fingers wrapped around my bicep, and he shoved me towards the basement door. "Go downstairs, Bailey."

I smirked, and looked him straight in the eyes. "No."

He almost choked on his own spit, and his eyes looked bewildered. "Excuse me?" He said through clenched teeth.

My smile grew wider, and I walked towards the kitchen, breezing past him. "I think you heard me, dear husband."

I heard his footsteps behind me, as I reached to open the liquor cabinet. No words were to be heard, only his heavy, angered breathing. I bit my lip, fighting back a chuckle, and pulled out a full bottle of cherry flavored vodka. I walked over to the island, and boosted myself up so I was sitting on it. I unscrewed the cap, and brought the spout to my lips, not once taking my eyes off of Harry.

He laughed through his nose, and shook his head. "You might as well give up your little tough act, baby. Two can play at this game, and I usually win." Harry stepped in-between my legs, and put his hands on either side of the counter, smirking up at me.

"Who said this was an act?" I mumbled, taking another sip of the vodka. "And we'll see about that." I added.

Once again, he laughed. "I don't see what the problem is, Bailey. Vampires do this all the time. There isn't anything wrong with drinking human blood."

"I don't either." I lied.

He shook his head, and looked down at his feet. He knew I was lying, but I guess he decided to leave it. Harry stared at me quizzically for a few more seconds before he leaned in. "You know..." He hotly whispered. "Cherry is my favorite flavor..."

My breath nearly caught in my throat, and I swear if I wasn't sitting, I would be on my knees. I forced myself to respond. "Is it now?"

Harry didn't respond, he just stared at me, challenge in his eyes.

I leaned back, and held the bottle out towards him, quirking an eyebrow.

The corner of his mouth turned up, a smirk crossing his features. He lightly swatted the bottle away, and instead, pressed his open mouth to mine, tongues immediately twisting with each other.  

He pulled away, satisfied. "Yum."

Shock and Awe were visible on my face as I stared at my sex god of a husband.

Harry ripped the bottle out of my hand, and took a large swig out of it, his eyes never losing contact with mine.

In an instant I was shoved back onto the island, made to lay flat on my back. Harry climbed on top of me, a wicked grin on his face. Once again he took the vodka in his hand.

I expected him to take another long seductive drink, but instead, he ripped my top off. The buttons flew everywhere, and broken threads hung off of the seams.

I gasped as I felt a cold liquid drip onto my chest. He dumped the cherry flavored alcohol in my belly button, up my abdomen, and in the valley of my breasts, not stopping until it dripped off my chin.

He leant down, lip between his teeth. He closed his eyes blinking dramatically, before his mouth met with my navel. He sucked the liquid up, and I moaned, hands digging into his curly brown hair. He licked a long line up stomach stopping where his tongue met my bra.

He smirked widely and buried his face in between my breasts. He licked and lapped his tongue all over the skin, while I bit my lip, and held back my moans. Once he felt he had cleaned the area enough, he retreated once again to licking a long straight line up my neck.

"Bailey?" Harry cooed, pushing his nose up against my cheek.

I looked to the side, my grey eyes meeting with his jade ones. I felt myself become wet at the sight of him, and I was reminded of my dirty imagination.

I grabbed his hair, and forced his lips on mine in a hot and heated kiss.

He responded immediately, and moved his mouth against mine with a lustful passion.

This was so wrong, I said that I wasn't going to use this weird and twisted version  of my husband use me as a sex toy. But I wanted what I wanted, and I wanted it bad. I pulled away suddenly and looked angrily into his eyes.

He stared back at me confused. "Ugh." I whined, before molding my lips to his again.

This was pure lust. This kiss had nothing more. It was hot, and rough and it reminded me of the previous sexual encounters I had with Harry. In the last week they had all been like this, but some how, thankfully, we never fully got the job done.

I placed my hands on his chest and shoved him back forcefully. I hopped of the counter and pushed him into the wall. I slid my palms up his chest and grabbed a hold of the collar. I ripped my hands opposite ways, watching as the fabric was torn away from his skin. I took in all the ridges and muscles that made up his chest, whilst I licked my lips. "Mm."

I brought my mouth hungrily back to his, catching his bottom lip in between my teeth. I bit down hard on it, knowing how much it aroused him.

He groaned against my lips. "Fuck, Bailey."

My hands roamed all over his body, while his did no different. His large fingers probed my thigh bones, and slowly moved up higher, before the other latched itself onto my chest, squeezing and massaging my breast.

"Should we take this downstairs?" He asked.

I pulled away from him, and stood back. I was once again reminded of my earlier statement, and his lips finally being detached from mine gave me a much clearer mindset. "No." I muttered running out of the kitchen, leaving a confused Harry behind me.

Oh, and um... POTATO?


A/N: k omg how don't you guys hate me yet? I haven't updated in so long, and when I do their shit short updates like this. ^ I honestly feel like I have blessed with the best fans in the world, because you guys are so supportive and encouraging when I sit here like a lazy ass in front of my computer screen not knowing what to write. I love you all so much you are amazing. I BET YOU ALL HATE ME THO, BECAUSE I DO THIS EVERY TIME, I GIVE YOU A VERY SEXUAL HALEY MOMENT, AND THEN I END IT. Oops. #sorrynotsorry

#imcoolbecauseimhashtaggingonwattpad #ohyeah

Do you all want to know something that makes me really, really happy? More followers on instagram... #followstagram ;) #yeah @luciapayne_1d #followme

Okay, that is it for the hashtagging. #goodbye ~LUCIA<3

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