Chapter 6: Nemesis Revealed

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Outside the school, a squadron of police cars had arrived and cordoned off the school perimeter. They had been tipped off by the schools emergency alarm set for going off in case of emergency. And the monitors at Police H.Q which were tied into the city defense computer read out the code pertaining to armed assailants in the central high school!

Sally's Uncle Harvey was there among the cops, looking at the locked down school worried. He had been on edge when he heard that his nieces school was under siege by armed teenaged hoodlums called the five deaths, the deranged bullies of the school, and he was still under edge...waiting for the okay from the chief and the S.W.A.T team leader of the team he was part of in order to go in and give those creeps a major spanking...Copland style.

He was worried sick about the safety of his niece sally when he found out she was among the students who didn't make it out before the lockdown occurred.

Some safety feature...he was going to lodge a complaint about the flaws in the "lockdown" system when this was over.

He had already informed his brother in law about the situation, and he couldn't help but wonder how his brother was handling the news of his only child being held in the school under possible gunpoint.

How on earth did these hoodlums get their hands on automatic weapons?

Especially with the metal detectors that the schools many entrances had.

And his brother....what he had done last night to that friend of sally's, it was completely wrong. Not in racial terms, but wrong in coming from his brother Roderick.

He wasn't a bigot.

He had had friends who were black in his teenaged years; he had never showed any signs of bigotry what on earth were that last night in what he had said?

Fear...that's what, but not of the boys skin, but of the boy himself...he only flared up at the mention of his name.

So he obviously knew Sally's friend Andrew griffin from somewhere, and that was the billion dollar question wasn't it.

How did he know Andrew griffin?

What was his brother hiding?

He was going to dwell more on the question when he heard the familiar horn of his brothers Chevy Impala screeching to a stop behind the Police blockade.

Harvey Reynolds almost believed he was in some kind of backwards dream, that this whole mess wasn't happening due to the absurdity of what he was seeing walk right up to him from the impala before he realized he wasn't dreaming and that what he was seeing was real.

There was his brother in law, dressed to the teeth in bulletproof armor and pads, and armed with his shotgun riffle he had in his home in case of home invasions, it was the U.S of A of course, it was a right.

But seeing his brother in law dressed for war, walk up to him and stand beside him looking out toward the school, Harvey knew the answer to his question before he even answered it, "what are you doing, Roderick?"

"when you and your men go in to kick these punks kiesters all the way back from here to Lunar city, I'm going in with you....fully armed" and Roderick cocked his shot gun.

"Your family, but you're also a civilian..." Harvey objected, "I can't let you..."

"I'm not asking..." Roderick Reynolds scowled, "my daughter is in there and despite how things stand between her and me now, it is my duty as a father to protect her. I promised her mother that."

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