Chapter Four

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"You. Me. Christmas party. How bout it?" Matt asks with his hands propped under his chin, on the dark, granite countertops in my kitchen.

"You know that's not my scene."

"Yah, I know. But maybe you could change it up once in a while. You haven't been to a party since what sophomore year."

"Yah you want to tell me how that night ended." He looks at me through his lashes. His face seems to look like he's pitying me. But not exactly. Looks more like the look someone give you if they found out a relative of yours passed away, and they say things like 'they're in a better place,' or 'I'm sorry.' But in reality they really don't give a crap because they're not the ones who are grieving. Sad but true.

"Yah, i know how that night ended. But I promise I won't let that happen again. You'll be too busy dancing with me to get yourself into trouble." He points out. He walks around the island to me were I was in the process of making us both grilled cheese sandwiches. He wraps his arms around my waist and sets his chin on my shoulder.

"I'll go. But you have to pinky promise that if I want to go home you'll take me home." I say starring at the reflection of us in the microwave above the stove. It was such an inconvenience, how low it was. I smiled at the way Matt and I looked together. I thought we were a cute couple.

"But what if I don't want to leave." He whines.

"Ok if you think you're going to not want to leave, then I'm not going. I want to make sure I have a ride home."

"Whatever." He dismisses me. I put the grilled cheese on a paper plate for him. His eyes light up when he takes a bite out of the gooey goodness.

I'm starting to get a feeling I'm not pleasing him enough as a girlfriend. Like I'm not fulfilling my duty.

That could lead to many different things.


"Fancy seeing you here." Ryder hiccups.

"Yah Matt talked me into it." He stumbles a bit, he leans against a wall to keep his balance. I cringe at the smell of alcohol that seems to be coming from Ryder. I avoid his I contact by watching the other teenagers bump and grind to the beat of the music blasting from the speakers. My attention snaps back to Ryder when I here him speak.

"Push over."

My jaw drops. He did not. "Fuck you, Williams. I'm not a push over." I sneer.

"Yes you are. You do whatever anyone asks because you don't want to feel useless. You're a push over and a people pleaser." He scrunches his nose. Ok that kinda stung. I don't like the drunk Ryder. I move to stand in front of him, giving him a glare. He placed both hands on either sides of my hips, I quickly slap them off.

"Well you... At least I don't sit there and point out everybody flaws because I have nothing better to do." I spat.

"Push over."

"Flaw pointing... outer." I have a mental cringe attack at my stupid choice of words.

Ryder chuckles. "Whatever, sunshine. Your boyfriend is calling you. Looks like he wants to dance." I glance over in Matts direction. Sure enough he's waving me over calling my name. I turn from Ryder, noticing his bummed expression as I turned to walk away.

"Why were you talking to him?"

"He came up to me and started talking to me."

"Really? What the the actual fuck, Bailey I though you were better than that. You're mine remember?" He slurs. I guess I'm driving. I wrap my arms around his neck, as he placed his hands on my butt. I never really liked when he did that, especially in public.

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