Chapter 1

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April's P.O.V
Ok so today I figured out how to message Alan Matheus on messenger.I message him.It is 3:25 p.m.I keep on checking my phone.I give up its never going to happen.ugh.I am watching tv."April HURRY NOW!"my mom shouts."What?R u ok?"I ask and run to her."Look Alan responded!"she says."Are u srs?"I scream of excitement.I scream and then cry.I automatically send it to all my friends that my future husband responded me.Earlier I had messaged him.
3:25 p.m
Me:Hola Alan!Hey Alan!#TeamAlan!my name is April.I am a huge fan.I made a video for u and I really hope u like it! :) ❤️I sent him a pic of him with money*I love this pic!
4:26 p.m
Alan:Hi April!
I really liked the video!
I would love to copy and re-post ur video if it's ok with u.
Oh and that picture with the money I don't really like anymore.Thats not who I am.Have a great day!(ok so this was real!)
4:41 p.m
Me:Voting for u today on the show :)
Alan:Hi April,sorry I can barely respond.We are practicing soooo much.Thank u for supporting me! I sent him edits that I made for him*
11/17/15 at 10:11 p.m
Alan:I like them all!!!!!Thanks.
He sent me a video thanking me*
Alan:I wore a blue shirt since u told me it is your favorite color :)
Me:I send him this funny pic of him and say something funny about it*(I'm
Alan:Omg thx bae.
"OMG ALAN CALLED ME BAE!!!"I scream and my mom laughs.
Me:Voting for u!
9:04 p.m
Me:OMG Alan I'm so sry.I know u will be an amazing singer!will forever be #TeamAlan.
12/5/15 at 1:16 a.m
Alan:Hey April!You are awesome.Thank u.And y did I send me pics of Johann?Well good night bae.
Me:lol idk his expressions lol.
(Same day.) at 4:49 p.m
Me:will u be doing covers now?
Alan:Yeah I will.
Me:Will u be auditioning for la Banda 2?or u gonna try and form a band with OLI?
Alan:I prefer to form a band with OLI.Hopefully we will write good
Me:Y'all will.So what types of songs do u guys prefer?
Alan:we both like Coldplay and I like Ed Sheeran.
Me:OMG SAME BAE!what is ur fav song by Ed Sheeran Bae?
Alan:mmmmm rn I'm a mess.
Me:Oh I like that song too bruh.
Alan:What happened to me being ur bae? :/
Me:U r still my Bae.No
Alan:oh ok ;)
Me:So who do u miss the most from la Banda?
Alan:Christopher he's the beast.
Me:oh cool lol Chris is my other Bae haha
Alan:U can only have one Bae.Which is me.jk jk lol Chris comes 2nd then.Me first.haha
Later that day. At 4:20
Me:so Wyd?
Alan:Well today I played tennis with my fam and rn I'm on my way to la Banda live with Nana.
Me:oh ok say hi to nana for me pls.She's awesome lol.
Alan:She is the swaggiest cousin
Later at 10:31
Me:WOW My Joli left :( I'm suprised even tho those 3 r amazing.
Alan:yeah me too.I thought Jaime was gonna be next.....I'm happy for Yoandri.
Alan:Ricky loves Jaime.
Me:sends pic of him when he was little*
#ThatFaceThoAlan :)
Alan: ;) I'm still cute tho Bae haha
Me:Well gn bae
Alan:awwww :( well gn sweet dreams.(Omg this really did happen tho I freaked out lol)
Me:it's cold were I live wbu?
Alan:60 degrees.Best weather ever!
Me:can u do a cover of paradise by Coldplay?lol
Alan:that's a great song but I don't feel I sing as good when I sing it.But I know several other songs by Coldplay.
Me:oh ok.
Me:BAE can u do a cover of Love Yourself by JB?yes or nah?lol
Alan:yeah bae :)
Me:thx bae!ik this is random but my cousin also live in Florida even tho I don't :(
Alan:Oh cool maybe I can meet him lol.U should visit him and then we can meet :)
Me:OMG bae.He knows about u bc of me.Haha.Let me txt him.
Alan:ok :)
Txt Joshua(my cousin)
Me:Joshua how far away u live from Weston?!
Joshua:5 minutes away y?
Me:MY FUTURE HUBBIE LIVES IN WESTON!!!He said he would want to meet u or something.
Joshua:What future husband?Calum,Alan,Chris?too many lol.
Joshua:U r crazy.Fine I will but u have to visit me..
Me:ok definitely.
Msg Alan.
Me:He said ok!!!!!!YAY bae I will get to meet u too. :) sends a pic of Joshua* that's my cousin.What day?
Alan:Wb in two days?ask him happy :)
Txt Joshua
Me:He said Wb in two days?and he ask where?And Idc if u plans in two days.U r going to meet my future husband and u better not embarrass me u idiot.
Joshua:Muahahahahahaha I'm evil!im gonna embarrass tell him I say at his house.If that's fine.
Me:ok ok.
Msg Alan.
Me:he ask if it's ok at ur house...but u don't have to Bae.
Alan:nah it's ok.Give him my #.
Me:bae I don't have ur #.duh...
Alan:sends his #* now u do bae ;)
Me:OMG ok I'm trying to freak out but I still
Alan:lol.When will we meet?
Me:Idk maybe an a week when I go off for break.
Alan:oh ok.
Txt Joshua.
Me:here Alan #.
Joshua:dang girl how did u get his #.
Me:he gave it to me.Now txt him and send him a selfie he knows what u look like lol.
Me:did u send him the selfie yet?
Joshua:I'm fixing my hair calm down.
Me:ugh guys and their hair...
Joshua:lol I said'this is April vargas' cousin my name is Joshua.U said we should meet.'
Me:what did he answer?
Joshua:sends me a screenshot of their convo*
Me:Omg y did u tell him my middle name?!
Joshua: :)
Gets a call*
Person:hi bae.
Me:ummmmm who is this?
Person:Alan.Alan Matheus.
Me:screams then cries*OMG bae!
Alan:haha.Oli wants to talk to u.
Me:Hey OLI!
Oli:hey Alan's gf!ur name is April right?
Me:gf nah?i wish haha lol.Yeah my name is April.Btw OLI Karen loves u! doucake  (lol haha)
Oli:who is Karen?Can I meet her when u come?
Me:Oh hell yeah!she calls u her future hubbie lol.
Oli:Say hey to my future wifie so I wanted to tell u Alan always talks about u nonstop.Everyone knows ur name.haha lol.My mom,Raiza was like...So April?Is she nice?and Alan got all red.hahaha.he said yeah she is.'i think he is in love'he whispers."Give me back the phone Oli!"I hear Alan yell.
Me:lol yeah right.
Oli:Ima pass u back to ur BF.
Alan:Hey April!Whatever Oli told u isn't true ok?he is a liar.What did he tell u?
Me:oh nothing.
Alan:C'mon bae..
Me:Hey bae I gtg but ttyl.k?
Alan:definitely.Ummm ily bae.
Me:ur so sweet ya.Say hey to ur gf for me.
Alan:u told me to say hey to my gf.
Me:Haha stop joking around Alan.
Alan:look what I posted on ig.
Check ig****
"OMG!"I scream.Alan had tagged me in a typed'April Will u be my gf?'
Me:YES Alan Matheus I will be ur gf!
Alan:YAY!Ok well bye babe ttyl.Call me.
I soon fall asleep.I dream about meeting Alan.

Ok so they will probs meet in chapter 3
Or 4.So keep reading!From this crazy girl with much love

~April Vargas!

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