Chapter 3

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Sebastian's P.O.V
What the hell is wrong with me?!Now that she has a boyfriend I don't have a chance ugh.Maybe if I would have told her before I would be her boyfriend.ugh.She is on the phone rn with Alan.She has him on speaker.
Alan:Hey babe.
April:Hey Alan.
Alan:I missed u.
April:Lol.U r so funny.So Wb Oli?
Alan:Oh he is busy on FaceTime with Karen.
April:mmmmmm yas!They got to be together now!lol
Alan:Probs.Then we could go on double dates.haha.
April:I wouldn't want to leave my little punk boy,Sebas.He needs to get a u Sebas?i smile.if Only she could be My gf."yeah."I say.
Alan:oh so he is there?
Alan:Hey Sebas!
Me:Only friends can call me Sebas.For u it's Sebastian.
April:Sebas don't be so rude!Alan just call him Sebas
Alan:mmm I will just call him sebastian.So how did u guys meet?april just got quiet.It was along time ago.We ran into each other.She was covered with blood and bruises.I still remember it so clearly.She was running and she ran into me.She had fallen on the ground.She looked scared and I helped her.She had later told me what happened.She had told me some guys they started kicking her and stuff...
April:So Wyd?
Alan:askin u how u guys
April:I don't want to talk about it...
Alan:oh ok well then when did u meet Karen?
April:sighed*"thank god that's over."she says under he breath.Ummm we met a few years back.She was new.
Alan:oh ok yeah she seems really nice.
Me:So Alan...mhmm how is Florida?
Alan:Fine but I wished my bae could be here every day with me.April blushes.ugh.
Me:You know April blushed when u called her bae.haha esta loca tu novia.
Alan:Laughs*awwww que Linda que eres April.Esta loca por mi Como yo por ella.jaja
Me:Si April jaja SIEMPRE habla de Ti.
April:Callate Sebas!Tu tienes una boca grande.jaja ya nesecitas novia.
Alan:So what types of girls do u like.Maybe u can meet some of my friends or Nana's friends.
Me:Who is Nana?
April:NANA AND CHRIS 4ever!
Alan:omg nana is here April.She is red as a tomato.
Nana:Hey!Are u Alan's gf?
April:Yeah it's and u r Nana.Can I say something?
Nana:of course!
April:Are u and Chris a couple?!
Nana:(whispering)Ok so maybe.But no one is supposed to know.Just Chris,Alan,OLI,and me.And now but u is part of the fam now!
April:OMG!Im so happy for u and Chris!Awww and u r so nice!Lol.Wait do Mrs and Mr.Matheus know I'm his gf?
Nana:It's gonna be a suprise.But we know they will be happy for Alan.I said hey to Karen.She is so nice btw!Oli and her seem to be getting along real good.
April:Yeah Ikr I love that girl to death!they would be so cute together!i hear Alan in the background."Nana stop hogging my gf.I wanna talk to her.""Oh shut up Alan!U get every day to talk to her.Its been only 30 minutes."she says.
Nana:I will pass u back ur bf.He is being annoying and not letting me talk to u.But here is my #!april saves it and gives her her #.
Alan:Babe!finally was she annoying u?
April.No not at all.
Me:Sup Alan.
Alan:Sup Sebas.oh wait sorry Sup
Me:nah it ok u can call me Sebas now.
Alan:Well dang.Really?
April:Well Ima get some chips Sebas go ahead and talk with Alan.She went downstairs and closed the door.
Me:So Alan.How r u and April?
Alan:Great!I love her.
Me:Yeah I love her too.
Me:I mean as a sister.i say quickly.
Alan:oh ok lol.I got worried for a sec.
Me:Nah bro don't worry.i hear a scream.Alan must've too.he said
Alan:Sebas?Whats wrong?I heard a scream.Are y'all okay?
Me:Wait I'm going to check on April.
I leave her phone and run downstairs."April?!".nothing.Fuck what happened?I hear a car start.damnit.I run outside.April is in the car.She is crying.She is with....oh my can't be...What the hell does he want now?....I run after the car.Shit I can't catch up.i call Karen.
Karen:Calm down ok calm down.What the hell is wrong?
Me:Johann took April.
Karen:What??!!!!im going.
Me:No I'm coming with u.Drive here and then we go.
Karen:ok ok.
Hangs up.end of call.
I go and get April's phone.
Alan:Is everything ok?
Me:Alan....Someone took April.
Alan:WHAT?!!!How?is she ok?Who?he starts crying*'my April might get hurt...Calm down Alan.she will be ok.She will be ok.Everything will be fine...'I hear him whisper to himself.
Me:Calm down.It was Johann...
Me:He hurt April a long time ago.i start crying*
Me:He would hit her.One day he even raped her.she never told anyone except Me and Karen.Not the police or her parents.
Alan:what?How could someone hurt someone like that?
Me:Johann can...He is evil.
Alan:I hope he doesn't hurt April.
Me:Karen is on her way we r going to look for them.
Alan:Thank God.Y did April let him
hurt her?
Me:She told us bc he was her boyfriend at the time and she deserved it.That asshole got stuff into her head.She is just so insecure.It hurts seeing her like That.Not eating or anything.She used to self harm.She tried to commit suicide bc of him.
Me:Hey I'll call u tomorrow.Ok?And stay calm she will be fine.
Alan:Okay bye.
End of call.karen gets here.I go downstairs and open the door.She hugs me.
"OMG Sebas.Y would he?"she says and starts crying."idk.Im driving."I say.We quickly get in the car.We drive till we get to Johann's house.I park.Karen knocks.Johann opens the door just a little so we can't see inside."We know u have her!"I say."Who?"he says."April u asshole!"I say.I hear a whimper.oh my god.I push him aside and me and Karen walk inside."April?!"Karen screams."I'm in here."I here her say.I walk in the room.She is there.She has a blanket covering her naked body.Karen starts crying.I see where her clothes is.I hand it to her.I leave the room with Karen and close the door.We see Johann.He just laughs.I walk up to him and punch him.He holds where I punched him.Now there is blood streaming down his face.He laughs.i start punching him and I don't stop.Karen is screaming at me to stop.She pulled me off and I stopped.April walks out of the room."Johann?"she says.She runs towards him."What the hell did u do?!"she ask getting angry.I don't say anything.She starts crying.She shakes him."Johann?Johann?Pls just open ur eyes and tell me it will be alright.please."she whispers.She puts her head on his chest.He strokes her hair."I'm ok."he says.asshole."April what r u doing?"Karen ask."I'm making sure he is ok."she says."Why?"I ask."What do u mean y?U just beat him up!"She screams at me."I might hate him but I care if he is okay or not.Idc if he used to hit me.That was the past."she says."He just raped u!"I scream at her."Well he has to be okay.If he isn't you might go to jail."she says."I won't he will he raped u!"I say."I'm not going to the police."she says.Karen grabs her hand and leads her to the car.I leave Johann $20."Don't tell anyone about this."I say."Here's $20 so u can get cleaned up and stuff."I say.I walk out the door and close the door behind me.I see April and Karen in the backseat.They are hugging each other.April is crying.Karen is talking."Look everything will be ok.Dont worry he won't get to u again."she says."It's not me I'm worried about u and Sebas.U might get hurt bc of me."April says.I sit in the front and start the car.I drive to April's house.We get out.She opens the door with her key."I hope u feel better."I say."Yeah."she says.I hand her her phone.She puts the password in.She calls Alan and puts him on speaker.
Alan:April?oh my god it been so worried.Are u ok?Did he hurt u?
April:Hi Alan.Im fine.
Alan:April.Srsly r u ok?I know when someone says I'm fine sometimes it means that they aren't.And u r not fine.
April:I just wanted to say hi that I love u I don't want u to forget that.ok?
Alan:April I love u too.R u sure u r ok?
April:I'm fine I gtg bye babe.I love u.
Alan:ily too.
April hangs up.Karen has to leave.I go to the bathroom here.April goes to her bathroom in her room.I hope she is ok.I hear glass break.Oh my god.I get out if the bathroom and run upstairs.I go in her room.She is in the bathroom.I knock on the door."April!Open the door rn!"I say."I'm so sorry Sebas."she says and starts crying.i kick the door multiple times until it opens.She is sitting down facing the other way.She broke the mirror.I can't really see what she is doing.I get near her."I'm so sorry."She says and looks up at me.She is wrapping bandages around her wrists.oh my god."We need to get u to the hospital."I say."No.Im fine I swear.We don't need to go to the hospital."she says.she promised she wouldn't cut again.She broke her promise.I go out of the bathroom to get more bandages and stuff.I walk back in her room and April is on the floor."April!?"I scream.I shake her.oh my god.Oh my god.What do I do???!!!She took to many pills.I don't have a car.I call 911.I tell them the situation I leave out y she did it.I just told them I found her like this.In a few minutes they arrive.I carry April,Bridal Style.They put her inside and close the back doors."Wait I need to come!"I say.They let me in.I hold her hand.We arrive at the hospital.They take her out.She has surgery.
2 days after*****
Johann is here.Idky.The doctors told me to let him in.I am outside the door.April is now fine.We will leave the hospital today."Sebas?!"I hear April say."Hola bebe no soy Sebas soy Johann."I hear him say.I hear nothing.It just got silent."Johann please don't.."I hear April say.I walk in.Johann is......

Hey what do u think Johann is doing?Do u like this story or nah?With much love from the one and only...

~April Vargas!

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