chapter 2

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chapter 1- intro to the new life

it has been 5 years since the incident. 5 years without niall around. without that beautiful man there by my side everyday. but life went on. it had to. im now 20. niall would be 22 now. im known world wide as abbey follett, the viking bitch that took the world by storm. the girl people describe me as hell on heels. i have 3 albums out. the first one was slow and sad, due to the grief of loosing niall. that one was called taken for granted. then the second album, was more up beat, had quite alot of swearing and built up a massive fan base of mine. and the third, well, that its more summer tunes. its called ocean-heart. what can i say? im just a summer/beachy kinda girl! it has only been out 5 weeks, but has got 2 #1 hit singles in 12 different countries, so thats pretty good. maura kept her promise of visiting me. she comes over once every 3 months, and we skype once a week. she keeps me up to date with whats happening back home, i guess. we avoid the topic of 'him' to save ourselves from tears. i have a new boyfriend now. ross lynch? the disney channel boy? i guess he is a good enfluence on me. i feel bad for him tho. he is stuck totally devoted to me as he says, and i only love him half as much as i should. dont get me wrong i love him to pieces, but i just cant get over niall.. and aparently nither can one direction. they have plummeted since the accident. they stoped making albums or touring, and even tweeting. they are still together as a band, but they still havent recovered. and nither have the fans. suicide rates went up, and fan pages on facebook, tumblr, twitter and instagram stopped dead in their tracks with the news. the world was totally broken with the loss of him for a while. its back to normal now, kind of. but niall girls never really recovered. i stretch my arms out in my large bed as i think everything over. i stopped having nightmares about the car accident 2 years ago, but it still comes back occasionally. luckily, last night wasnt that night. i  try to get up and out of bed, but a dead weight over my waist stops me. i twist around to face ross. he is so cute when he sleeps. i giggle and kiss the tip of his nose lightly, and he pulls me close to him absentmindedly. i cuddle up to his bare chest, enjoying his radiating warmth. "good morning beautiful" he says in his morning voice, bring one hand up to rub his eyes. eventially he opens them and looks down at me, smirking. i look up into his eyes, mesmirised by the amazing blue colour of them. "morning ross. we have to get up now. you promised to take me out on the yaught today" i beg. the yaught was may favourite thing in the world right now. it let me escape reality, and just run away from all of my problems for a bit." fine, but were stopping of at hippie hollow bay. you know i love it there" ross says cheekily. thats where we actially went on our first date. its a long beach and the west side of an island not to far from shore. you can see it out the front of our home actially. yes i said our. we do live together. in a seculeded beach mansion right by the water. we call it bush'n'titties, because it used to be a naked beach before we brought it. the yaught is moriened just off shore, and you have to kayack to get to it. i was so caught up in my thoughts that ross's kiss took me by total suprise. after recovering from the shock, i kissed him back. it was sweet, gentle, loving. god i loved his kissed. i smile and jumpp out of bed. "shower time!" i yell racing off down the hallway before he jusps out and chases me into the bathroom, joining me in the allready steamy shower room. 



my face feels sore, why is it so sore? there is tubes attached to it, i can feel it! what the hell is going on. i open my eyes, but it takes at least 5 minutes before i can open them, then another 5 minutes before i can see properly. i slowly attempt to sit up on the hard thing i was lying on, but my arms werent strong enough. "oh my god he is awake. suzie, go get a doctor, now. he is awake! he is awake!" i hear a female voice shout from the corner of whatever room im in. this room smells like sickness, death, and paint. i dont like it. im so hungry. why am i hungry? it feels like i havent eaten proper food in 5 years or something. i can hear people yelling words i cant make out, and foot steps ecoing out around the room. suddenly the material beneath me begins to move, and suddenly im sitting up. thats when i realise, im in a hospital.. im on a hospital bed. in a hospital room. what. the. actual. fuck!? "what is going on!?" i try to yell, but it comes out barely a wisper. a man comes up to me and puts his hand on my sholder. "hello, niall. im dr.parker. its good to see your finally awake" the man says. so he is my doctor? wierd. "um, dr, what the hell is going on?" i croak out. why cant i talk properly? "niall, its going to be hard to say this, but you have just woken up from a coma. you have been.. well sleeping.. for 5 years and 32 days." dr parker says, looking dead serious. i dont reply. he has to be joking? is this some sort of prank!? 

"im going to ask you some questions niall ok. do you remember your mother and fathers name?" 

"yes. maura and bobby" 

"good good. and your brothers name?"


"do you remember anyone with the name abbey? she played quite a big part in your life."

"i can recognise that name.. it sounds so familiar, and so important. why doctor? why , who was she!?" i demand. my brain was working furiously at trying to remember her, tring to bring up a face, or any memories, but it couldnt. all i felt was butterflies when i heard her name. my heart jumped, i was short of breath. she was very, very important. but who was she!?

"niall, this women, abbey... she was your girlfriend before you.. well.. had the accident. abbey follett her name is." 

then an image popped up into my mind. a flawless beauty. long, tan legs, perfect 10/10 body. long, wavy, beach hair the colour of sand. blue eyes, that shone out of her face like jewls. a cute little button nose, and perfect, soft, kissable lips. she was picture perfect, and looked to be around the age of only 17. she was... beautiful. 

"i can remember what she looks like. i have a picture in my mind. but no memories to go with it.." i say puzzeled.

"thats ok niall, you will remember them eventailly. now do you remember the band one direction?"

memories come flodding in like an overflown river. louis, harry, liam, zayn, my 4 best friends. the directioners, the music, the tours, the lyrics, the funny times we shared. tears fell from my eyes as i remembered everything i used to have. "yes doc. i remember. i remember perfectly."

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