chapter 10

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We zipped up the suitcase once we had finally finished packing. It felt good to get out of that ripped, stained wedding dress. It wasn’t what most people would call comfortable. But I guess, neither was the corset. “Abbey, we should probably get going, and get all this bullshit over with” molly says. Her mood had changed, and she was starting to get mad. I could tell she was upset, just by looking at her facial expressions. “Yea. I guess you’re right. Do you have everything?” I ask her, just to check. “Yea, finished packing ages ago and I’ve just been waiting for you. I found this outfit, and I thought you would like it” she says, handing me a few pieces of heavy material along with a pair of some sort of boots. I hold them up in the air and look at them, gasping, a smile forums across my face. It was like a pirate costume, but less slutty than most. Maybe this would come in handy, because after all, I would get sick of wearing skirts and dresses all day, every day. It looked just like the outfit Penelope Cruz wore when she was in pirates of the Caribbean. (picture on side). I open up my suitcase and quickly shove it in, not caring if it creases. I quickly thank molly and rise to my feet from my kneeling position on the floor. Taking one large, deep breath I step towards the door leading out into the main hallway. Molly reaches out and opens it, and we both step forward, towards the middle door. The one Ross said the time machine was behind. The large oak door, the door that shook me with fear right to the bones. Pulling up all the courage I could muster, I reached out and clasped my hand around the door handle. It was cool and smooth in my hands. I slowly twisted the door handle, and pushed it open. Inside stood Ryder, playing with a large dash board that had hundreds of buttons and knobs. It looks complicated. God knows how he worked it. Ross stood in the corner of the room, right next to what appeared to be the time machine. It was on a raised platform, and was around 3 meters tall. It was completely made of some sort of blue glass, and it had a large metal construction as some sort of roof. Hundreds of thousands of wires were running from the top of it. The time machine had some sort of label on it, and it appeared to be in Norwegian. ‘Tidsreisende’. Was spelled out in large letters. I swallowed hard and made a small coughing noise to indicate that we had arrived. Both boys looked up, and smiles formed on both faces. “Darlings, you’re here. About time. Were behind schedule but that’s ok, I forgive you. Girls, you look fucking amazing. Especially you abbey, the way the corset makes your boobs appear so much bigger is such a turn on” Ross says with a wink. Fucking prick. I cross my arms over my chest and frown. “Keep your eyes of me you fucking sicko. Just hurry up please. The waiting is fucking killing me” I snarl at him, making the smirk he wore drop from his face instantly. His face turned red and he looked away, muttering a quick ‘fine’ under his breath, along with a few curses and something to do with my raging temper. “Abbey, you look amazing. You to… molly” Ryder struggles out. At least he was trying to make an effort. I smile and thank him, before Ross once again interrupts us. “All right ladies please step inside. Ryder, you know what to do.” He says sternly. We cross the room, out breath caught in the backs in our throats, and I could tell molly’s heart was racing, along with mine. We stepped inside, along with Ross and Ryder. There was some buttons inside us as well, and Ross punched in some numbers, code and various other things before pressing what appeared to be an ‘enter’ key. Suddenly, the air around us began to swirl, and I became dizzy. Everything outside the machine became blurry, so blurry I couldn’t even make out shapes anymore. The room appeared to spin, and my head began to ache. So much had happened in only… 3 days? A nice long walk would be nice at this point, to clear my head. But you know, that can’t happen now, because I’m bust fucking time traveling and shit. Suddenly, the room lurched and flashes of color filled the room, until I went completely black. I couldn’t see a thing, and I let fear take over my body. A small escaped my lips, and someone’s hand gripped mine. I could hear molly whimpering somewhere and I reached out to grab her shoulder. As I was reaching out, lights became coming on and I could see molly was the one holding my hand, and I was really reaching out towards Ryder. I saw him smirking in the dull light, and I scowled at him. Not funny. This kind of shit was traumatic. The lights brightened, and I could see I was in a stone room. The time machine was no longer around. Instead the room was completely empty, with the exception of one small window in the corner of the room. I walk over to it, slowly finding my feet. The view was crappy, but I could just make out some sort of road stretching ahead of me. There were endless fields stretching out all the way into the horizon. I smiled, it did look beautiful. Reminded me of my home back in New Zealand, but of course that was 600 years into the future. Molly crosses the room and looks out of the window with me. I could feel eyes burning into the back of my head. I already knew who it was, and didn’t have to question them. It was Ross, probably wondering about what I was thinking. “All right, Ross, girls, we should probably get going. The carriage is waiting outside, and the citizens are waiting for our arrival. Let’s go” Ryder says before exiting through a door I didn’t notice before.       

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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