chapter 7

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i slowly woke up. my head was pounding from god knows what, my eyes wouldnt open and my whole body was sore. what the hell had happened? i slowly but shurely opened my eyes. it was cold. actially, riducously cold. where the hell was i? the room i was in was small and wooden. there was no wondows, and the room didnt reel homey. it felt like a jail cell. the memories of what happened last night came flodding back in flashed of memories. i touched the back of my head, my hands shaking. there was a massive lump, and i could feel crusted blood on my face. grose. how dare ross kidnapp me? sure, i did partially love him once, but now all respect and love for him was gone. he took it waay too far with what he said to niall. and niall was awake? how in the hell could this happe? and he could remember me? it just all seems so crazy, and happened so suddenly. "finially, babe your awake" ross said as he opened the door and entered the room. "babe!? dont you babe me you cheeky little fucker" i say agressivly. "damn, this ones fiesty" says a stranger as he enters the room. "who the hell are you?" i demand. "calm down bitch. im ryder, ross's partner in crime" he says chuckling to himself "your not funny. not at all. actially, your quite awfull" i snap at him. "im sorry sweety, i wont hit your head so hard next time, it clearly makes you mad when you wake up" he says in a teasing, baby voice. "your the fucker that hit me! how dare you!" i try to jump up and launch myself at him, but ross grabs me in his arms and sits me back down in the bed. "dont touch me you psyco!" i yell. "look who's talking darling" he says back. "fucking smart ass" i mutter. i have to say, ryder was ridiculously good looking. he looked alot like zayn actially. ryder was dark, mysterious, and you could tell he was bad news. but something about him drew me in closer. "where the hell are we, ross?" i ask, starting to get upset. "were in norway sweetheart" he says, as if its just a normal thing. "what the fuck? why norway of all places? how are people soupost to find me in norway!?" i scream at him. "thats the plan darling" he says laughing at me. ryder joins in with a slight chuckle. i hate ryder, i decide. because he has something to do with this. he stood in the corner of the room, leaning against the oak walls watching me, intently. god he was weird. i chose to ignore him "what is your plan ross? someone is going to come looking. i have over 20 million adoring fans all over the world. they will look for me" i state, trying to prove a point. "oh darling, you really have no idea. are you sure you want to know the plan? it might scare you" he says smirking. fucking bastard. "nothing scares me, dumbass. in a viking bitch, if it hasnt occoured to you" i snap, referring to my ancestory. "honey, just because you great something grandparents were pirates and vikings, dosent mean you are to" ryder says, speaking for the first time since i tried to beat the shit out of him. "just tell me" i say, getting annoyed. "well here goes. your not going to believe it, because your a stubborn bitch. but im taking you back to 1509. yeah, i know. that sounds preposterous. but just great grandfather is doctor harrison. inventor of the time machine. im taking you back in time because no one will be able to take you away from me.i have a kindom back there, that i took over. im queen, and you wil be my queen. everyone in the prest day will think that me and you died in a tragic car accident on the way to the airport for our honeymoon, straight after the wedding.the car plunged into a river, and the bodies were lost. and i know that your parents  & every other quest at the wedding saw what happened. thats why i wiped there memories no one remembers the way the wedding went down. i replaced there old memories with new ones. the memorie that should of happened. except 5 boys. those damn one direction boys. they escaped, encluding you beloved niall. they remember everything. and this is where i want you do a deal with me. if you agree to come back in time with me, i will not kill your beloved boys. i will let them keep their memories also. who is going to believe what happened? there were no other witnesses. if you dont agree, ryder here will go out and slice there throats, making sure there death is quick, just for your sake." ryder pulls out a knife from his boot, and twirls it around in his hand, teasing me. i look up at him with a terrified and discusted face. his smirk falls from his face, and he almost looks apoligetic. this was all so much to take in. time machine? it sounds cool, but it was being misused clearly. and killing them? i cant put there lives at stake for my selfish needs. slowly, i nod my head, and ross smiles. "ill do it. but you have to promise that no harm will come to my boys" i say, letting my head fall, trying to hide the tears that fall from my face. i failed misribly. "abbey... noo please dont cry." ross says with scincerity, placing a hand lightly on my sholder. i shrug him off and whisper "get out, just get out. your sick. ill come with you, but i will never love you" he pulls away, hurt clear on his face. "f-fine. if thats what you want. we are leaving in 2 hours. so get prepared" he says sadly. "oh, and ryder. stay with her. i dont need her running away. it was hard enough to get her here" ross then leaves the room, slamming the door behing him.

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