If I Should Die Before You Wake Up

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"Sssshhhhhh. Quiet down a bit, Liliya. You'll wake up Gabe." I say to my enthusiastic eight-year-old sister.
"But I can't wait!" She jumps up and down. I roll my eyes at how childish she could be, despite the  small two year age gap. Liliya and I were waiting for the meteor shower expected to happen tonight.
"Pala! It's starting, it's starting!" She whisper shouted. I look up, out the window to see the falling lights in the sky.
While keeping my eyes locked to the sky, I say,
"Don't call me Pala..."

I don't know why, but ever since Liliya was five, she insisted on calling me Pala. I'd rather have her call me my actual nickname, but she won't change her mind about it.  It doesn't bother me too much, luckily.

"I know you like it..." she smirks. I look at Liliya, taking her features in. She is so different from me. I guess, though, that that just makes it harder for her to be with me and Mom . When we go out (excluding Smelly Gabe because he's a sour pus) everyone stares at how different she is. I look almost like my mom. Mom tells me that she look like her dad. It makes me wonder who Liliya's Dad is. As much as mom avoids the subject, I know that we are only half siblings. I see it in her eyes. The sorrow of how we are different.
Her green eyes and dark hair. Tan skin. It all contrasts against Mom and my blue eyes and brown hair. Our pale skin.

I'm ripped out my thoughts when I hear Liliya's (quiet) squeak of delight.

"They're so pretty!"

With that comment, I notice how the lights have lessened. Maybe it's about to end?

"Pala? What do you think its like to be up there. Like up in the sky?" Liliya looks at me.

"I dunno, Liliya. Maybe someday, I'll tell you." I say. Her life will be better than mine. I'll make sure of that.


Liliya's sobs could be heard from throughout the apartment the next morning as she clung to mom. Such a momma's baby. Doesn't she know that this is already hard on mom in the first place?

You clearly have no idea what's even going on, so let me elaborate. Mom had entered us to get into a prestigious school. It was good academically as well as having a wonderful athletic program. Specifically gymnastics. That's the only way I even got in. Liliya is smart, I am not. However, I have so much energy that Mom put me into gymnastics when I was around five years old. I didn't want to stop moving, so might as well put that to use. In later years (Like when I found out I was the son of a sea god) I noticed that my flexibility stemmed from the fact that everything in the ocean is not very stiff.

Today, is the day we are to go to the school and live in the dorms and if you can't tell, Liliya doesn't want to leave mom's side. I don't want to either, but I know it'll only break mom's heart even more if I show that.

"Shhh. It's alright, Liliya. I will call you every night, okay? You'll be just fine." Mom continued comforting words to the small girl.

"But I don't want to leave!" Whined my younger sister as she clung to mom's leg.

"I don't want to be away from you either, but it'll just be until December. Then you can comeback home and we can celebrate with blue cookies and presents!" She tried to convince. It had an affect to Liliya since her sobs quieted down and turned into shaky breathes.

"Promise?" She looked up innocently to Mother.
"I promise." Mom replied.

And we were off to our new school.

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