When You Thought My Hearing Was Bad On Purpose

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Percy's P.O.V.
"Geez. Why won't you listen, Seaweed Brain! " Annabeth says. I don't remember exactly what we were talking about, but I do know that I was feeling sluggish and tired . Why does it feel like I have a massive migraine? Annabeth must've seen the problematic look I wore on my face.
"What's wrong? " She asks.
"I d-don't feel so good... "My eyes started to drop and my knees gave away. I blacked out in exhaustion.

I woke in the infirmary. Great. I looked around groggily and saw that no one else occupied the room. My hand went to my forehead, which felt like a hot stove top.
"You're awake! That's good. " Chiron said as he wheeled in.
"What...H-happened? " I asked, still disoriented.
"Well,  it seems you have a case of meningitis. Also, your hearing is suffering from the effects of the illness and you'll most likely need hearing aids..." He started to trail off.
"Oh, I already know that. " I say. His face is painted with shock.
"May I ask how?" He says.
"I needed hearing aids before, though my hearing wasn't as bad as it is now..." I say sheepishly.
"And you didn't get them?" He asks puzzled.
"Uh... Yeah... My stepfather wouldn't buy them, so I never really got any..." I explain. He looks at me as if searching for more. After a few moments pass, he smiles and picks up a plastic baggy from a nearby medical table.
"Well, here you are," he hands me a pair of blue hearing aids, "I hope you know how to use them because sadly, do not."
"Oh. Don't worry. I have had a temporary pair before. I know how to adjust them and stuff. " I say and I see him visibly relax.
"Can you not say anything about this to everyone. Especially Annabeth?" I ask. He gives me a slightly confused look, but gives in.
"I swear on the river Styx to not tell anyone without your permission." He says and thunder booms in the distance.


I hate wearing my hearing aids when I'm around people and I usually don't. I just don't like it. It's not that I feel like I'll be judged for it or anything. And you might be asking how I know what anyone is saying. Well, since I was born with horrible hearing in the first place (and Smelly Gabe never allowed me to get any hearing aids since they were a "waste of money"), I got pretty good at reading lips. Now, in battle situations, this will totally not work, but to my knowledge, the war stuff is pretty much over (not). Mom was gonna get me hearing aids last year and the year before that and so on, but I've been doing so much, with the quests and school, that we never had the time and when we did, we forgot.

It has gotten a bit boring staying mostly in this bed. I've gotten better, though and Will estimates that I can totally get away from being confined in the infirmary in about a day or so. Of course, though, I'll have to come back for check ups and stuff. I've been in this room for about a week (so that I don't spread it around) and dislike the idea that I have to come back to it, but if I have to, I will.


10 Months later

We are on a hillside with Nico, Reyna, and Thalia (cUZ WhY noT m8) having a picnic. I really do hope nothing trashes this peaceful moment(though I am pretty sure I just jinxed it). After about ten minutes pass, we hear a sound. The leaves are rustling in a nearby tree and I really don't want to know what it is. Suddenly, a woman with black hair and cold coffee brown eyes jumps out along with some weird looking cold dudes.
"Khione!" Piper says as she pulls out her icy sword. Everyone else does the same.
"I see you all seem content at the peace, but you should enjoy it while it lasts, demigods. For it will be the last of the peace you will ever experience!" Khione says. Then Jason charges at her, no words exchanged. She easily blocks it and attacks him with a blast of ice and snow. I get up and charge at her as well. I feign a step to my right and go on her left side and slash. It grazes her abdomen.
"Aaaahhhh!!!!" She screeches. This, however, puts me in a state of disorientation. My hearing aid is up too loud and this hurts my damaged ears even further.
"Uuugghh!!!" I groan and fall to my knees, clutching the sides of my head. Khione says some words and disappears. Everyone rushes to me.
"Dude! What's wrong?!" Frantically asks Leo.
"Ssshhhh!!!" I say, their talking only making it worse. Luckily they start to quiet down and I slowly let my hands fall to my side.
"What happened?" Asks Hazel.
"You left them up too high, didn't you?" Thalia asks with a know-it-all smirk. Thalia is the only one to know besides Chiron and my mom. She found out one night when she was walking on the beach to clear her mind. I was fiddling around with them as I sat on the sand to clear my mind and she happened to see them. I told her not to tell anyone.
"Y-yeah... I just wanted to be able to properly hear our conversations while we ate and stuff" I whined. Might as well not hide it anymore.
"Left what up too high?" Asked Frank. Thalia looked at me and the look in her eyes was 'Can I tell them?' I nodded.
"Little kelp head here has hearing aids." She says. I take my right aid out and start to make a major adjustment to the sensitivity. Some of the group gasps. I look up at them.
"What? Did you think I was so stupid that I didn't listen on purpose?" I joke.

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