In the Blue Dive

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The events happening at the Tiber river were not going good. We (the seven) scrambled around as Medusa and her sisters chased us. We ran into a cave, hoping for a small time to make a plan.

"I'll distract them all, you guys go the other way. Then attack from behind. They only want me anyway." I say. As a loud screech breaks out, I run out of the little cave area, not waiting for the responses of my buddies.

"Hey! Medusa! Having a bad hair day?" I yell out. All three of the monsters' heads snap to me as they advance. I wind through the rocky areas. Weaving in and out of crevices and going on top of boulders. I then find my self trapped. A cliff in front of me and the gorgons behind me. I see the rest of the seven in the corner of me eye by the trees.

What're they waiting for?!

"We've got you now, Perseus. What you did last time wasn't very nice." Says Medusa, words laced with venom. I start to panic.

Where's an exit?! Where to exit?!

A crazy idea then popped up into my head.

The cliff!

I look over and see the ocean down below. Hardly any rocks in my way.

Well, if I'm gonna do something dangerous, might as well do it with flair...

I place my heels off the ground, hanging them off the edge, I get my arms up. I feel the confused looks from both the gorgon sisters and my comrades.

I jump off doing a back three and a half somersault using the eleventh position. FYI, I had a beautiful entry into the water, almost no splash at all. I could only guess the looks of all my friends' faces. As I made my way to the shore, I was surprisingly greeted by the seven and Nico as well as Reyna.

"Why hello yo-" I was abruptly cut off by Annabeth.

"What was that for?!" She says in a high tone.

"Well, you guys didn't advance. That and I thought it'd be nice to visit my old 'hobby' ." I say.

"Wait. You did diving?" Asked Reyna.

"Yeah, I made third place in the 2007 FINA Diving World Series, actually. I would've tried to do more competitions, but the battle against Kronos happened, so I threw the towel in." I say. They all look at me, disbelief shown clearly on their faces.

"It certainly is fun, I kinda wanna do it again... " I trail off.

" Why don't we find a smaller cliff and relax there a bit. The gorgons are gold dust now. That and we can plan our next move of this quest. " Says Piper. I nod, agreeing wholly.


A small secluded cliff just happened to be a little away.

How convenient. It's almost like the author didn't want to write a detailed description about finding a small, secluded, cliff to relax at.

It was only 10 meters away from the water. It luckily wasn't too rocky either. Perfectly safe to dive at. Trees spotted the area, providing shade. Now, no one exactly had bathing suits, so underwear was gonna have to do. The other guys, being used to swimming trunks, found it all a tad odd to go swimming in their tidy whities or even their boxers. Me, having been diving for well over five years, was used to speedo like garments.

"Come on, guys! It isn't that bad!"I say offering a goofy smile with it as well. They all just gave me their own separate looks, blushed, and then finally started removing their clothes.

As I waited, I decided to do a warm up jump. Up and over. Nice and easy.


Wow, that was sloppy. Oh well, its not called a warm up jump because its perfect.

It gets to the point where Jason and Leo start asking on how I even do dives. And I teach them a little.

It's all serene.

The calm before the storm....

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