Eating Another for Survival is like an Everyday Thing Here (extra)

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Caution: If you don't know Tokyo Ghoul, I recommend looking it up b/c this chapter is heavily influenced by it...

Percy's P.O.V.
I run from alley way to alley way. My prey running as fast as they can, but they know it's futile. Once I get close enough I jump and grab their shoulders, biting into one. Mmmmmmm. I love the taste of human flesh. Now, wait. I known you're disgusted at that sentence.  I can see it in your eyes,  so don't try to hide it. Let me take the time to explain. I swear I'm not psycho. This is what I do to eat. I am ghoul. Y'know like what you see on that one Anime. What was it called again? Oh!  Yeah! Tokyo ghoul. I'm like that.  I have to eat humans. My eyes turn the same way, too. Black scleras and red irises. Yup,  I look like that. I also have kagune. They are like the Tokyo Ghoul main character, Kaneki. Rinkaku.
It is getting extremely difficult to hide the fact that I'm a ghoul because I am starting to need to eat more (I'm a growing boy Y'know). I know that Annabeth and Chiron are getting suspicious. I eat less human food at meal times in camp and I disappear more often.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx
10 months later
Now,  I'm on the quest for the prophecy of the seven. If getting food was difficult before than this must be tartarus.  We are constantly on water or in air. I'm starving and it's starting to affect my fighting. I don't know what to do. I can't just tell everyone that we need to land so I can get a bite to eat. The magical plates don't even serve human Meat! Really,  right now,  the biggest thing I'm worried about is if we run into any old "friends" or other ghouls. Who knows what they'll do. If they are as hungry as me, *shivers* I don't want to see what happens.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx

At Ithaca
I know they're there. I feel their presence and it is ticking me off. I smell it, too. The meat. I have to stay here on look out, though. I just feel something wrong.  Jason claims to have fought against ghouls before, but he hasn't been against them all, I know that for sure.
I run to the top. Hazel, Frank,  Leo, and Nico (I know he isn't there in the book, but I feel like adding him in... ) are trailing behind me, telling me to go back to the Argo ll. I know better than to leave my friends up there without full knowledge of what they're up against.  I round the corner and see a large group of after ghouls. Ones made a ghoul after death. The lucky bastards.
"Ey! " I shout and get all their attention.
"Who're you? " Says one with an arrow through his neck. Then the realisation hits him. He knows I'm a ghoul."You're like us, aren't 'cha?"
"No. Unlike you all, I was born like this. " I bluntly say, "I'm a real ghoul. "
My friends have shocked faces when they hear of what I am. The rest of the ghoulish group turn viscous and are ready to fight. I let my kakugan (black scleras and red iris eyes) show, but not my kagune. Not yet.
"Go back to where you came from. NOW." I say.
Some of them start to laugh. They probably sense that I'm weak and haven't eaten for a long time.
"You think you can beat us in that shape? " A really ugly one asks.
"I can sure as Hades try. " I reply and jump on the nearest one and take my kagune out. They peirce him and he is split in half. I am tempted to stop and eat him, but I am in the middle of a fight and I am no cannibal ghoul(ironic though). Once he is finished I go on.  One after another, they drop like flies and turn into golden dust once they hit the floor. So much for a meal.
"How did you..." raspily said the one guy with an arrow through his neck.
"Like...I said. I was born like this. Unlike you all. I have lived like this since I was born. Even when I am starving, I am still stronger than you. Also, keep in mind, I am almost a SS ranking ghoul..." I say glaring at him. It makes him shrink and he is about to bolt away, but my kagune rip him to pieces till he is nothing but mere dust in the wind. All the rest run away in a panic. I turn back to look at my friends. Their faces etched with terror. I put up my kagune and hide my eyes with my hands.
"I'm sorry..." I say as I hit my knees. After a minute or so,  I get up and start walking towards the next city. Maybe there will be an unsuspecting pedestrian and I can get something to eat.
"Wait! " Someone says. I look in the direction of the voice. It's Jason.
"How are you like this? " He asks with a confused look on his face.
"My mother. She is a ghoul. This means that I am a ghoul, despite the fact that I am half god." I reply and I start walking again.
"Where are you going? " Frank asks.
"To the next town. " I say as I keep walking.
"For what? " Leo asks. They asks so many Godsdam questions.
"I'm hungry." I keep walking till I get to another town. Lets just say that that was one of the best meals I have ever had in my life! When I went to the previous spot of the Argo ll, I was surprised to see it still there. I get on and go to the dining hall.  Everyone stares at me and I look at the floor.
"Ready to take off!?" Hazel asks. My head snaps up in surprise. Everyone is smiling.
"B-but I'm ... I'm a monster..." I say.
"You can't help it. Like you said. You were born like this. " Piper says. I join in with the group and smile.
"I'm ready. To Athens we go! "

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