Chapter 26

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Brooklin, Tessah and I are just chilling in my university cabin/room which usually Jordan and I share but Jordan's been with Trevor and Isaac for support. She's always been that caring person.

We've watched 6 movies and we've been through 4 boxes of tissues, 2 boxes of large chocolates, 16 twix bars and 7 packets of popcorn. But hey, when your watching 'The Fault In Our Stars' it's pretty impossible not to cry in it. (A/N I've never actually watched that movie haha)

WWe've been on break after winning the Australian dance comp which was awesome because if we didnt go there, I'd be eating all by myself because Brooklin and Tessah wouldn't be here. But its still weird with Zac and Brennan gone...


Logan thinks that were going to sleep here for another night but really wwe've planned a party at our house. Its one of those unit type houses. All her besties who aren't in hospital will be there, Cierra, Skylar, Briar, Abbi (Idk what her name is really sorry), Jordan, Taveeta, Jennie, Sam, pretty much a girl night. Brittany, Trevor, Isaac and Victoria won't come because Brittany and Trevor are still recovering one baby loss and Britts still tired and Victoria is still in a coma so Isaac won't leave her side which is cute.

"Do you guys wanna go get KFC?" Logan says.

"Well, how bout we go to the bowls club? If it gets too late we can always go to our place since its nearby?"
Brooklin says.

"Yeah pack a bag and we'll pack our stuff away in case we do stay," My plan was falling into piece.

We went to dinner and tried to take as long as possible.


My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out.

TESS😎: Hey were bout 5 mins away :)))

I quickly tell everyone while typing back to her.


SAMMY: Ok we're all set! C U soon x.

"CC'MON GUYS HIDE!!!" I yell.


We walk inside the girls apartment and all is dark.

"SURPRISE!!!!!'' All of the girls yell and I nearly jump out of my skin.

Then they all start scream an pointing behind us. We turn around and see a person in a black costume!

"Heyyy girls!" he says and takes off his hoodie. "Mind if I join the par-tay??"

"LAMAR!!!!" We all scream in excitement and run up to him to give him a hug. (just imagine it like when they see Aubrey in pitch perfect 2)

"OMG you scared me so much!" I say.

"Mind if Max and Noah come too,"

"Sure!" We all say.


I feel really uncomfortable with Noah her because he's dancing with Abbi and we've been friends since J-Troupe, he's my closest friend. But he just doesn't know how much I just really like him...

I just wanna rip my hair out and scream!!!! But then Max comes over, I know he is alot older than me but we get on really well. He broke up with Jennie so its ok for him to hang with me. I'd never really date him but he is a really nice friend and I think he's Spider-Man or something because when ever I'm down he comes and helps me.

"Noah again?'' he says to me.

"Yep..." I say looking at my feet.

"Well, I like lifts wanna work on some with me? They make me stop thinking about Jennie, you just need to move on Noah is crazy liking Abbi because when we were at Elite together I swear she and a nest for a brain and a bitch of a person!"

"Oh whatever Max! You talk about Jennie all the time you douche!" I say playfully punching him in the arm.

"C'mon lets dance!" He says grabbing me bridal style to where everyone else is dancing. Its a pretty up beat song, Hey Everybody. Then it changes suddenly to Blink-182 I miss you. So everyone's slow dancing.

Maybe I do like Max more than a friend?


Everyone's having a good time, drinking shot, but I can't so I don't because I'm a good girl!

"Ohhh- Jenniiiiieeee!" Briar slurs (how do u spell it)

"Why aren't you drinking anything?" she says and Max comes over, they are so both. I don't think they realise but then its a party so I guess most of us are drinking, most of us.

I believe Brooklin and Tessah are renting because its a two story square shape and its quite a big unit.


"Dude its none of your buisness!" Lamar yells and kinda strangely looks at me.

"FINE don't tell Us!" Max says.

"CC'mon Briar lets go upstairs!"

Its kinda creepy Max going upstairs with Briar, shes so young and who knows what they might do up there... She's like 3 years younger (I don't really know haha!)

The doors suddenly open and Phoebe, Kate, Lucien and Margie come in, Margie runs up to me and hugs me.

Then Sam comes says something to me.

"Awww yyou'll make a great mum!"

"What?" I ask her, what is she talking about?

"Really Jennie? Its obvious your pregnant! But I don't know who with but I ddon't care but I do know!"

"Okay I am but don't tell anyone its really early so it could miscarriage ill wait till I'm at least 12 weeks,"

"I won't tell a soul!" she says.

Thank god...


Hey guys sorry i dont update i will try update every two days. incase your confused about couples and stuff ill tell ya.

Britt and Trev

Vic and Isaac

Noah and abbi (not a couple but they like each other)

I guess briar and max not sure

Jennie and her mystery man, try guess who he's in b-troupe.

Phoebe and lucien

Kate is a loner....

Brooklin and Tessah roommates

Jordan Logan and soon to be Taveeta roommates

Zac and Brennan poof they disappeared in aus?

Alex and Lamar (whoops forgot they were together crap big changes now)

HEY GUYS!!! I need to note you on something its really important. I know Noah was dating Cierra and I completely forgot ive got lots of chapter ready and only just remembered so just pretend it was always Abbi.

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