Chapter II

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I awoke suddenly this morning, as if someone grabbed my torso, and jerked me forward. Sitting straight up I took in my surroundings; dark room, a single fan being the only racket in the house. I felt that Ryenne was in danger;  that scared me. Having lost our mother and father at ages 16 and 14, I am a bit protective over my little brother. Something just felt wrong today, and I knew it with every fiber in my body. Every fiber, every molecule screamed to "Just stay inside!" But I didn't listen to myself like I usually do. Instead I blocked out my senses and walked out the door. I went to Starbucks, seeing as that is always my morning stop. After drinking my coffee I went to the mall, and sought out a Hot Topic in the world of Hollister and Abercrombie and Bitch. 

"Hey! You need help with anything?" Said the Hot Topic worker. He had medium length black hair, about 6'2", and when he talked I saw a glimpse of a tongue piercing. 

"No, I'm just browsing." I replied with a sweet smile. The worker nodded and went about his business. I searched the whole store and decided to dye my hair black again. I picked up a bottle of dye and went to the worker again. "Can you check me out?" I said, before realizing what I just said. Before I could correct myself, he replied.

"Oh I already did, and I'd like to do it again." He gave me a long once-over. I laughed, a little too hard.

"I meant can I pay for this?" I waved the bottle.

"Of course you can." He rung up the dye and before I could make my escape he said, "Can I see you again?"

I considered it. "Friday night?" 

"A movie?"

"Sounds good." On the back of my reciept I wrote 10 numbers and handed it to him. "Call me." With a smile I walked out of the store. 

Driving home I thought about the Hot Topic guy. I was embarrassed to find out that I forgot to catch his name. I looked forward to Friday night. 

I looked at my phone and on the already-lit screen it read I had an incoming call from Ryenne. 

"Hello? Ryenne?" I said with a bit too much speed.

"Yeah." He leisurely said.

"Where were you this morning?" I was worried, because it was 3 PM and I knew something went wrong today as soon as I awoke. 

"Two wolves got into it this morning, and of course the Elders sent me to go fix it." 

"Oooh. Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay..."

"I'm fine sis." He reassured me.

"Okay.. I'll talk to you later okay Ryenne?"

"Alright." And he hung up, he must've been tired, seeing as it was 3 PM and wolves are nocturnal. I thanked the stars that I took after my mother and was a vampire. Ryenne took after our father, a wolf. Dad taught Ryenne all he needed to know, and Mom taught me everything I needed to know in order to survive and then they dumped us. We haven't heard from them since. It seems as if they never wanted children, so they showed us how to survive and dumped us. 

Even though I had nothing to do, I went home. While walking, happened to look up. I saw a bird in the air, but he didn't seem to be flying. I sauntered forward a little ways, and there on the asphalt, I saw a single broken bird. He wasn't breathing, and I looked at the bird, it was dead, like the love our parents had for us. My blood ran cold, and I gritted my teeth and walked home. 

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