Chapter Five

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Takeshi's POV

I woke up Monday morning, turned the TV mounted on my wall on, and switched to the local news.
News Anchor: This morning, our top story is a missing boy, Arata Senkia, reported missing from his house while his friend was over. The friend has been brought in for questioning and foul play is suspected.
"The police have Naoki-senpai!" I think about my options for a while. "If I go into the police station and break him out... No no no.... I cou-"
I crack a wide smile.

Naoki's POV

My hands are tied behind my back, and I sit in a dimly lit room, with nothing but a table and a chair on the opposite side from me.
The door opens, and a man with grayish hair, a coffie mug, and an array of papers in a messy folder. After he's settled into his chair, he opens the folder and reads for a moment. He glances up every now and then, giving me what I can only assume are dirty looks, even though the man seems to have a "Resting bitch face" he coughs and makes direct eye contact with me, he probably caught me staring.
"What was your friends name, Naoki?"
"His name was... Was Arata-kun. "
"When was the last time you saw him?"
Takeshi's POV
I lifted the black sack off the boys head, another "friend" of Naoki and Arata, I don't exactly know his name, but I know they're pretty close. Too close. So I've devised a way to kill two birds with one stone...
I pour a little acid on his hands, the boy screams in pain.
"You killed Arata-Kun. You killed him and you loved it"
Tears start streaming down his face.
"I don't know what your talking about, he's my friend!"
I sigh, and pour more acid on his hand. I walk over to the fire place, and light it.
"You burned him alive and buried him in the woods somewhere. Don't lie to yourself. You're a horrible person"
The tears start coming down harder and harder. I start poking at the fire.
"It's okay though. Just admit it."
"But, but I didn't do it!"
I clench my fist, and before I can react, he speaks again.
"Don't you go to my school? Your... Your Takeshi aren't you?"
I fling the fire poker into his other hand, not stopping when I hear the crunching.
The tears stop after a while and he dips his head low.
"I killed him.... I killed him.... I killed him."
I untie my victim and open the shed door.

Naoki 's POV

"When did you last see Arata?"
I breath heavily, and finally let out an answer
"I was at his house, he got up to go to the bathroom and didn't come back."
"I think there's more you not tel-"
All of the sudden the door swings open, and another man in a fancy suit whispers something to my interrogator.
"Oh. I see."
They uncuff me, and begin escorting me out of the building. I have to take a double take at what I see next.
It's Ikemi, handcuffed and walking into the same room I was just in.
"I killed him.... I killed him... I... I..."
He pulls a sharp blade out from in his pants.
Blood splatters onto my face and the wall behind me, as I watch Ikemi's neck open, and as his lifeless body falls to the floor, I barely have to time to process what I had just seen, because the police are forcing me into a car.
I sit in the car for What feels like forever, and the rest is all just black...

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