What happened to Ashton ?

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Lisa's POV

Since the last 2 days which was when Ashton and went on our date he has been acting weird i dont know whats wrong . Maybe its because i didnt kiss him . Idiot lisa you should have . Wait no you did the right thing and stood up for what you believed in . Yeah but what you believe in is lame . Is it though ? Is it that lame to believe in the three date rule saw in a movie i mean given it was for sex since that is way out of question I believe that a guy is only allowed to kiss you after you've been on three dates and they were terrific. Ok it sounds lame . Oh lord ! Does that mean I'm lame ? Shut the fudge up Lisa and just go talk to Ashton he is leaving in the morning .

I walked towards Ashton's bedroom and saw the door was open just enough for me to hear what he was saying on the phone . Don't get me wrong I wasn't eve's dropping but I couldn't help but listen after i heard him take my name . " I know i know dont worry .... Yes i can ofcourse i can i mean do you know me ..... No we didnt ... Lisa wasnt ready but dont worry she will be she is infatuated by me one more night with her and she will cave in trust me ..... Yes i know in order to win i have to ... " i was too cought up in listening to Ashton that I completely missed my mum who was walking towards me until she shook me . " Cupcake why are you standing here ?" " Shhhhh Ma ! Um nothing really i was just gonna talk to Ashton but he seems busy I'll just do it later cmon mum I'm starving " i said trying to seem as composed as i could but my mum was giving me the look that she knew something was up .
"Fine lets go by the way you never told me how your date with Ashton went . Good i asume ?"
"Huh ? Oh yeah it was ok " you see my mum knew about my crush and knew about our date my mum actually knew almost everything about me .
" Just ok ? Sweety is everything fine ?"
"Yes Ma its just I've liked him for the longest time so i thought that our date would be mind blowing and spectacular but .. But it wasn't i mean he was nice but i dont just didnt feel so right . I think that i might not like hime anymore . " I whispered the last part not sure if i meant it or not . However one thing i knew was that something fishy was going on with Ashton and i was gonna find out before he left .
" You know hunny maybe you just need to give him a chance thats all it took for me to fall for your father ..." And thats how mum started telling me for the millionth time how she and dad fell in love . Ughhh !
As i sat in my room eating icecream and pondering over Ashton's phone call i got this bit
i) he might not really like me
ii) he is planning something for tonight
iii) i am sure that I'm not gonna like it

I was about to call my friends when i heard a knock on my door . I turned up to see Ashton standing there and suddenly i was feeling uneasy
"Hey !" He greeted.
" H..hey"
" so i was wondering since im leaving in the morning do wanna maybe i donno watch a movie .. We can watch anything you like "
Great this is my chance to find out what he is uo too . "Um sure .... How about we watch Spy ?"
"That sounds great I'll go make popcorn ." With that he left .
I quickly got my phone and went downstairs to put the movie in . I noticed mum dad were no where to be seen oh well probably went to a diner or something they've been doing that a lot these days . I jumped on the soft and cozy sofa as Ashton walked in the room holding a bug bowl of popcorn .
He came and sat down next to me and i started the movie .

Nearing towards the end of the movie the girl and the guy were making out this made me really uncomfortable so i scooted a little farther . Ashton cleared his throat before he began "um soo I'm leaving in the morning will you miss me  cuz i sure as hell am gonna miss you .. Alot " he said giving me a smile that should've made butterflies erupt in my belly but instead i felt nothing .  "Um yeah i mean it was fun having you around i was getting alittle lonley and homesick you fixed it so thanks " i plastered a smile . "Good cuz what I'm gonna ask you next might be alittle forward .... Lisa will you be my girlfriend ?"
Wait ! What ? Did he just ... Oh no what do i do shit
"Um wow Ashton I'm flattered but we've only been on one date and I don't think i can decide this early ." With that i got up and went to my room .

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