Dancing And Some Other Things !

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Lisa's dress on the side :D

Jace's POV

"Wait how do the two of you know each other I mean how can you ?" Lisa had asked looking stunned but before I could answer her Austin beat me to it . I wonder how the two of them knew each other . "Why can we not know each other ?" Austin asked .
"That's not what I meant idiot , what I meant was what does a guy like you Jace , a guy so sweet and charming have anything to do with someone so rude and full of themselves ?" She asked . "Err .... Well we are brothers and .." "Brothers !! What ??" "Yes brothers um how do u know my brother exactly ? Austin what did you do ?" I asked . "Nothing dude I don't even know who she is but .... How you doin ?" He asked Lisa . "Don't know me ? The hell you don't know. You bumped into me the other day and fell on my ass and then my back hurt for 2 days . How can you not remember me ? Oh my god you are so sick . I'm leaving " And just like that she left and went to her mother . "Austin , care to explain yourself?" But as always he just shrugged and walked away but then stopped and said "I didn't bump into her , she ran into me ."

I went where Lisa had gone to apologise on Austin's behalf. "Hey ! Sorry about Austin he's just a little errr disturbed these days ". "It's ok really you don't have to apologise for anything besides you came all the way to apologise for something someone else had done , you shouldn't have" she said with a smile .
" Umm .... I ... Well I was also hoping to talk to you some more " I said nervously. God why am I nervous I mean it's not like I like her right . Right ? Stop thinking talk to her .
" So tell me about yourself "
"Err how about you tell me about me ."
"Umm...I guess we could do that instead soo I guess umm you are sweet , pretty , whitty , your dimples are the cutest , you seem very understanding and I could go on but it wouldn't be true because I haven't known you for too long ."
"Err yeah sorry I don't know what I was thinking ." She blushed , she looks cute when she blushes .
" It's ok , but I would like to know you I mean if you let me ."

Lisa's POV

I can't believe he said all those sweet things . Although I asked a stupid question :p Jace and I kept on talking about everything . Soon we heard a voice say let the dancing begin . Jace extended his hand to me "May I have this dance?" And just like that we were making our way to the dance floor .

I have to say I was very nervous I mean I was a great dancer but my brother was the only guy I had danced with . The music started and it was my favourite song Life Of The Party . Jace put his hand on my waist, , not to high , not too low , like a real gentleman and we started swaying to the music . Everything was perfect , we were actually looking into each other's eyes as cheesy as that sounds when Jace said " You look gorgeous tonight , did you know that ?"
I just simply blushed , smiled and looked down . I was about to say something when I was pulled away , apparently it was time to change partners . Oh danm :( I missed Jace's arms around me . Then I looked up to see Austin as my partner .

Austin's POV

I was looking for that girl L...l danm I know it was something from L . But then this girl from school who was obsessed with me dragged me to the floor and practically begged me to dance with her . How could I refuse .

I saw her dancing with Jace . They looked like a couple in love *barf* . I took advantage of the partner swap and grabbed her . "Hey! You look really nice tonight ." I said with that million dollar smirk plastered on my face "Err....why do you hate me so much I asked?"
"I don't hate you but i don't necessarily like you either . Don'tyou rememberwhen we bumped into each other and i fell which by the way gave me a backache for 2 days ?"
"Oh right you're the one i bumped into i mean you bumped into me . You clean up nice , i mean you were a sweaty mess that day ."
"Gee thanks for the compliments ." She said sarcastically , i was loving her witty comebacks . "So I'm sorry about that day i was in a badmoid and I'm pretty sure i was high af"
"Ahh! Excuse me ? Are youtelling me that i am dancing with a druggy . No thankyou i think I'll leave ." I gripped her wrist tightly and she gasped "You don't know what I'm going through , you don't understand , nobody understands , nit even Jace ." With that her looks softened , i was manipulating her i was actually telling the truth which I had never told anyone she had something about her that made me want to spill everything to her . "What are you going through ? I know you just met me but i have this abilityto understand and help people infact that is exactly what i was doing when i bumpedinto you i was helpinga friend . You can talk to me if you want there's really no need to be rude and act as if you don't give a fuck ."
"Wow did Little Miss Sunshine just curse ? Didn't see that one coming . . . . Meet me at the swing in your backyard at 12 tonight and we will talk ." And with that i left .

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