The Bet

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HEY GUYS!! so first I wanna say a big Thank You for the people that are reading my book. It means so much to me!! so a big Thanks :D Now Enjoy!!

Chapter 5

Mason POV

pic of Jake........

Okay I'll be honest about one thing, I am actually glad that Vivian is my 'make believe wife.' She is the only kind off hot poor kid in Anderson, well besides Ashley. Vivian and Ashley are both the two hottest, and only hottest girls in Anderson. Vivian is like the sweet little angel cake and Ashley is devils food cake, or like salt and pepper.

"This is your house!" Vivian said while holding our 'make believe son,' "this is huge! Its almost the size of your school." Wondering what Ms. Wright is doing in my house? Well after the whole baby giving and assignment doing at the school. I decided to bring her to my house, why? I don't know why? Oh because she was being 'miss bossy pants' and wanted to see my house, so I invited her. Somehow seeing her surprised like that is kind of cute. Wait, what?

"Aren't all houses this size?" she then gave me an open mouthed shocked face.

"Ha not in my world! This is like a freaken palace!? How many rooms do you have in this house?"

"Bedrooms Eight? Twelve rooms in total, Okay you are acting weird. Why don't you come inside," we weren't even inside my house and she's already amazed? Usually my friends become amazed when they see my loft room, also known as the game room. That's where the big screen tv is and all the fun stuff, "Carlton! please inform my..."

"You have a pool in your living room!?" What a pool? Is she seeing things?? Oh shes talking about the pond, "No this is not my living room, this is the grand foyer and that's not a pool its an indoor pond full with koi fish. My mother fell in love with the way the Chinese decorated that she dedicated this room to them. Now please don't interrupt me when I'm talking to my butler. Carlton please inform...."

"Oh its nice to meet you," seriously doesn't this girl understand English!, "I'm Vivian Wright this rich kids wife."

"Master Mason, you got married and....have a child! Oh your mother will not be pleased."

"Carlton no! I'm not really married and its not a real child see," I took the child from Vivian arms and waved it back and forth like a flag. I heard Vivian gasp and Carlton was looking with a worried look, "its just a stupid school assignment." And then the baby started crying.

"Mason you monster!" Vivian slapped me in the arm. Quite hard if I may add, okay note to self never get on her bad side.

"Whatever, gosh okay Vivian can you please leave me and Carlton alone. Go to the study, its right through those two doors on your left."

"Okay well it was nice to meet you Carlton."

"And you as well Ms. Wright, goodbye cute baby..guchi guchi goo..stop crying cute baby.." are you serious my butler is making kissy faces at a robot,

"Carlton please pay attention!" I said while snapping my fingers trying to get his attention. " I need for you to not let my mother see Vivian, she's only going to be here for the afternoons and on Saturday's she's going to be here all day. For the whole semester which is four months. So please don't let my mother know. Where is she by the way?"

"Don't worry Master Mason, your mother went away for a fashion show in France. She told me to tell you that she well be calling in."

"Really, oh perfect Carlton then never mind. You are dismissed"

"Thank you Mr. Mason, but may I say who gave you permission for this assignment?"

"Oh Shelby signed the papers and everything so she knows." I seriously couldn't tell my mother that a poor, underprivileged girl was going to be stay with us, she would have a fit.

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